Errors, bugs, questions - page 1480

Vasyl Nosal:

'+' - cannot convert enum prob.mq4 14 51

Going to write a servisdesk.

Have you seen the example ofObjectSetDouble in Help? It contains creation of Fibo, addition of levels and getting the values of the levels.
Vasyl Nosal:

'+' - cannot convert enum prob.mq4 14 51

Going to write a servisdesk.

Hmm. it works for me.
Karputov Vladimir:
Have you seen the example ofObjectSetDouble in the reference? It creates Fibo, adds levels and gets values of levels.


Sets the price.

If GET, it returns the level value, not the price.

Vladislav Andruschenko:
Hmm. It works for me.
Give me the code.

Dummy's hiccup, but enlighten me as to why the F1 button in the editor of the new 950 build does not work ?


Vasyl Nosal:


Sets the price.

If GET, it returns the level value, not the price.

Gets the price of Fibo anchor points:

//|                                              ObjectGetDouble.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
#property script_show_inputs
#property description "Получение цены точки привязки"
input string name_fibo="Fibo";   // имя Фибо
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   double temp=0.0;
   Print("Цена точки привязки ",0," равна ",DoubleToString(temp,Digits()));
   Print("Цена точки привязки ",1," равна ",DoubleToString(temp,Digits()));
Test.mq5  2 kb
Karputov Vladimir:

You get the price of the Fibo anchor points:

И? This is the price of 0% and 100%.

And you need to know the price of all levels.

Vasyl Nosal:

И? This is the price of 0% and 100%.

And you need to know the price of all levels.

As far as I know, it is calculated as a proportion through the 0 and 100 levels. There are no special functions for this.
Alexey Kozitsyn:
As far as I know, it is calculated proportionally through the 0 and 100 levels. There are no special functions for this.
Yes. You have to calculate it manually and get the value of the levels via

//|                                              ObjectGetDouble.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.01"
#property strict
#property script_show_inputs
#property description "Получение цены точки привязки и значение уровней"
input string name_fibo="Fibo";   // имя Фибо
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   double temp=0.0;
//--- цена точки привязки
   Print("Цена точки привязки ",0," равна ",DoubleToString(temp,Digits()));
   Print("Цена точки привязки ",1," равна ",DoubleToString(temp,Digits()));

//--- значение уровней
//--- кстати, а сколько у нас Фибо-уровней ? 
   int levels=ObjectGetInteger(0,name_fibo,OBJPROP_LEVELS);
   double temp_price=0.0;
   for(int i=0;i<levels;i++)
         Print("Error ",GetLastError());
         Print("Значение уровня ",i," равно ",DoubleToString(temp_price,Digits()));

And this is roughly the result:

2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Цена точки привязки 0 равна 1.09046
2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Цена точки привязки 1 равна 1.08564
2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Значение уровня 0 равно 0.00000
2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Значение уровня 1 равно 0.23600
2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Значение уровня 2 равно 0.38200
2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Значение уровня 3 равно 0.50000
2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Значение уровня 4 равно 0.61800
2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Значение уровня 5 равно 1.00000
2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Значение уровня 6 равно 1.61800
2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Значение уровня 7 равно 2.61800
2016.01.27 15:54:45.905 Test (EURUSD,M5)        Значение уровня 8 равно 4.23600
Test.mq5  2 kb
I want the price, not the value of the level.