Errors, bugs, questions - page 1106

Acknowledged. Windows 8.1 x64. I use #include to include my class file. I declare my class variable in the global variables area as follows:
CMyclass my1
In the body of the EA, after
class methods do not appear in the EA body. I have to write the methods from memory or copy them from the body of the class.
Yes.Windows 8.1 x64, and as far as I remember it was after upgrading 8 to 8.1 that the class dialog box stopped appearing
void OnStart()
// CFoo foo; // такой вариант использовать нельзя - конструктор по умолчанию не задан
//--- допустимые варианты создания объекта CFoo
   CFoo foo1(TimeCurrent());     // явный вызов параметрического конструктора
   CFoo foo2();                  // явный вызов параметрического конструктора с параметром по умолчанию
   CFoo foo3=D'2009.09.09';      // неявный вызов параметрического конструктора
   CFoo foo40(foo1);             // явный вызов конструктора копирования
   CFoo foo41=foo1;              // неявный вызов конструктора копирования
   CFoo foo5;                    // явный вызов конструктора по умолчанию (если конструктор по умолчанию отсутствует,
                                 // то вызывается параметрический конструктор с параметром по умолчанию)


Which is correct - you cannot use the CFoo foo entry; or you can use the sameCFoo foo5 entry;



Which is correct - you cannot use the CFoo foo entry; or you can use the sameCFoo foo5 entry;

And what should the class constructor be if the class only handles WInAPI calls and there are no internal variables? Or should a flag variable be invented on purpose?
And what should the class constructor be if the class only handles WInAPI calls and has no internal variables? Or should a flag variable be invented on purpose?

It's about inconsistencies in the documentation

// CFoo foo; // такой вариант использовать нельзя - конструктор по умолчанию не задан

   CFoo foo5; // явный вызов конструктора по умолчанию (если конструктор по умолчанию отсутствует,
              // то вызывается параметрический конструктор с параметром по умолчанию)
Please help me can not connect to the signals they are all yellow! When I start to connect to the signals, after all the logins and passwords at the end the button to reconnect again appears and no subscription happens please help !!!!!!
That's the point. New builds will not work without SSE2 instruction support. You need to upgrade your hardware.

I beg your pardon. I really hope that my rejoinder will not cause your indignation. But where can I read about this restriction in the new builds?

Could you please give a source for this information?

Thank you!


I beg your pardon. I really hope that my rejoinder will not cause your indignation. But where can I read about this restriction in the new builds?

Could you please give a source for this information?

Thank you!

Выпущен MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 600 с обновленным языком MQL4 и Маркетом приложений - MQL4 форум
Выпущен MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 600 с обновленным языком MQL4 и Маркетом приложений - MQL4 форум

I beg your pardon. I really hope that my rejoinder will not cause your indignation. But where can I read about this restriction in the new builds?

Could you please give a source for this information?


google both forums ( /

It's been discussed many times already, don't even know which link to give you.


google both forums ( /

It's been discussed many times already, I don't even know which link to give you.

What's wrong with the link I gave you? )

Excerpt from her very first post:

28. Terminal: All components of the client terminal require the computer's processor to support the SSE2 instruction set for optimal operation and high performance.

This is, after all, the official source of information (in addition to the many discussions on the forums).


Are there any plans to improve the graphical part, in particular the graphical objects?

Or is this also used by a tiny fraction of users?

I'm talking about objects "walking on the graphic", when when you change the scale at a price, the objects are shifted on the graphic as they can in a very large range, #766333 from 2013.06.06.14:16