Errors, bugs, questions - page 2152


How can you compare two arrays?

are the elements unique?
are the elements unique?
sort both arrays then look for the difference in one synchronous pass
sort both arrays then look for the difference in one synchronous pass
How do you do that... There are also different array sizes

How can I compare two arrays?

Calculate which elements are missing in array2 compared to array1

The result should be: 6 и 7

This is what was brought up - there are language capabilities, but no "infrastructure" for solving elementary algorithmic problems.
That's how much effort it takes to solve a given task in Python:

set1 = set([1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
set2 = set([1,2,3,4,5])
result = set1-set2

Out[1]: {6, 7}

How much effort does it take to solve it in MQL?
Can thestandard library help somehow, or not?


I've looked through everything I can think of. Different languages have functions for this everywhere and it's really simple there...

I'm doing it in MQL4 ... need to make things as simple as possible.


I've looked through everything I can think of. Different languages have functions for it everywhere and it's really simple there...

I'm working in MQL4 ... need to make it as simple as possible.

Have a look at the standard library - look at CSortedSet and its ExceptWith method, it may help.

Sergey Dzyublik:

Have a look at the standard library - look at CSortedSet and its ExceptWith method, might help.

Thanks a lot !

It was solved in a much simpler way
   char array1[]={"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"};
   char array2[]={"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"};

   for(int a=0; a<ArraySize(array1); a++){
      string items = array1[a];
      int rez = ArrayBsearch(array2,items,WHOLE_ARRAY,0,MODE_ASCEND);  
      if(array2[rez]==items) {
         Print("ТАКОЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ЕСТЬ в массиве: ", items);
      } else {
         Print("НЕТ ТАКОГО ЗНАЧЕНИЯ в массиве: ", items);

No error message

typedef void (*fn)( void * );
void f1 ( void * ) {}
class A {};
void OnStart()
        fn f2 = f1;
        const A *a;
//      f1( a ); //Error: 'a' - cannot convert from const pointer to nonconst pointer
        f2( a ); //нет сообщения об ошибке ???

while constancy is violated


Here's a question:

how do I know what time the forex symbol closes?