Errors, bugs, questions - page 2980

2021.03.09 20:40:47.616 Core 1 64 Mb not available

2021.03.09 20:40:47.616 Core 1 not enough available memory, 2211 Mb used, 2416 Mb available, maximal available block is 60 Mb

As far as I understand 64 MB is missing

It's not a lack of disk space, it's a memory problem. But it doesn't look like lack of RAM space as you have 11Gb there ...

Try disabling all kernels in the Agents tab except one. And gradually turn them back on.

Mihail Matkovskij:

But I was looking for a way that was even faster than Canvas. It turns out that apart from labels, I couldn't find anything else.

For the last time!
This is an erroneous statement. Labels cannot be faster than kanvas. At best they can be as fast as canvas if there are very few labels. The more there are, the more they lose out to kanvas.

The chart itself is also an internal canvas that is not accessible by the programmer. And when you create an object with its characteristics, you simply set chart to draw (like drawing in canvas) this object when the next ChartRedraw().
Read primary sources

Mihail Matkovskij:

It's not a lack of disk space, it's a memory problem. But it doesn't look like lack of RAM space, as you have 11Gb there ...

Try disabling all kernels in the Agents tab except one. And gradually turn them back on.

Disabled it, didn't help.

2021.03.10 10:32:48.769 Core 1 64 Mb not available

2021.03.10 10:32:48.769 Core 1 EURUSD: cannot generate history data, check disk space [2]

Nikolai Semko:

For the last time!
This is an erroneous statement. Labels cannot be faster than kanvas. At best, they can run at the same speed as kanvas if there are very few labels. The more there are, the more they lose to kanvas.

The chart itself is also an internal canvas to which the programmer has no access. And when you create an object with its properties you simply set chart to draw (like in canvas) this object when the next ChartRedraw() comes.
Read primary sources

That's the point, if you need to update multiple lines, it literally means change text in multiple labels. And no need to say that kanvas(OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL) will gain in speed. After all, if it outputs text to a large number of pixels on the screen, they all have to be transferred, after the change, using ResourceCreate, versus changing a small number of pixels inside the chart (because OBJ_LABEL is a chart object). And in the same way, forOBJ_BITMAP_LABEL you have to callChartRedraw() you are talking about. After that you will say thatOBJ_BITMAP_LABEL will always win in speed...? Actually, inwhich cases who is faster, that has to be established experimentally (for general understanding). Have I mixed up anything or have I written from myself...? So why the insults!...!


Disabled it, did not help

2021.03.10 10:32:48.769 Core 1 64 Mb not available

2021.03.10 10:32:48.769 Core 1 EURUSD: cannot generate history data, check disk space [2]

Maybe the problem is in the Expert Advisor you're testing... Does it work well with other EAs?

Mihail Matkovskij:

That's the thing, if you need to update multiple lines, it literally means changing text in multiple labels. And needless to say, Kanvas(OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL) will win in speed. After all, if it outputs text to a large number of pixels on the screen, they all have to be passed using ResourceCreate, versus changing a small number of pixels within the chart (since OBJ_LABEL is a chart object). After that you will say thatOBJ_BITMAP_LABEL will always win in speed...? So, which cases are faster must be determined experimentally. I think you agree with me...? So why the hard feelings?!...

You keep speculating. Including the one about someone else's grudges. No, you're fundamentally wrong and just out of touch. You're making up tall tales and stubbornly trying to believe them without listening to anyone.
Continue to be in ignorance without understanding the true chemistry of the process.
Nikolai Semko:
You're speculating all the time. Including about someone else's grudges. No, you are fundamentally wrong and just off-topic. You make up tall tales and stubbornly try to believe them without listening to anyone.
Continue to be in ignorance.

Edited the post. Feel free to write what I have speculated or don't understand...

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