Errors, bugs, questions - page 2979

Mihail Matkovskij:

I too have watched Nikolai's work, using his own library. I like it. But what's that got to do with it...? It's just that the previous dialogue lost its logic because Nikolai started talking vaguely... And I didn't understand what he meant. You told him "it's not worth wasting your time...". I said, indeed, not worth it, by virtue of losing the point of the conversation... Or, you should clarify the conversation...! But why you keep getting offended is not clear to me... Even though the messages weren't addressed to you at all. You probably have a temper, a temper... "getting into trouble" without getting to the bottom of what's going on...

You look more like the offended one.

Despite the fact that the dialogue was not with me, I started it ... and then gave way to Nicholas, as he has much more experience in this than I do. So consider that you had a dialogue with two participants. If you want to get to the truth, read your excuses such as, "I don't know, but I'm sure...". And who needs to prove something to you and spell it out? Instead of reviewing my code, which updates information on every tick, which is much shorter than Nikolay's library and therefore much easier to understand, you just brushed it off, like "don't fix me...". And what a character you have compared to mine...

With this,

I refused to continue a dialogue with you. And Nikolay refused to continue a dialogue with you. So for now...


It says this

2021.03.09 17:48:18.757 Terminal Windows 10 build 19041, Intel Core i7-3820 @ 3.60GHz, 5 / 11 Gb memory, 317 / 475 Gb disk, IE 11, UAC, GMT+3

What message does it write when there is not enough disk space?

Alexey Viktorov:

You look more like the offended one.

Despite continuing the dialogue not with me, I started it... And subsequently gave way to Nikolai, as he has much more experience in this than I do. So consider that you had a dialogue with two participants. If you want to get to the truth, read your excuses such as, "I don't know, but I'm sure...". And who needs to prove something to you and spell it out? Instead of reviewing my code, which updates information on every tick, which is much shorter than Nikolay's library and therefore much easier to understand, you just brushed it off, like "don't fix me...". And what a character you have compared to mine...

With this,

I refused to continue a dialogue with you. And Nikolai refused to have a dialogue with you. So for now...

I wrote that the work of your example, in principle, practically does not differ from the work of CCanvas, a standard library class. And what, you should take offense at me because of it?!... I'll also add that, at that, CCanvas has muchmore possibilities (no offense). Nikolai's library extends the capabilities of CCanvas. But I was looking for a way which is even faster than canvas. It turned out that apart from labels I couldn't find anything else.

And as for you and Nikolai refusing to have a dialogue, I don't see anything. In any case, you haven't. And now and again you keep on voicing your dissatisfactions to me...! My advice to you: find yourself any newcomer who needs help with kanvas, needs kanvas but doesn't know how to apply it and communicate in a way that pleases you (if his character matches your complicated one). I don't see what complaint you can have about me.... All your problems lie in your own head!

Mihail Matkovskij:

What message does it write when there is not enough disk space?

2021.03.09 20:40:47.616 Core 1 64 Mb not available

2021.03.09 20:40:47.616 Core 1 not enough available memory, 2211 Mb used, 2416 Mb available, maximal available block is 60 Mb

As far as I understand 64 megabytes is missing

How do I get rid of the '{'-unbalanced brackets error
"}" - unexpected end of program
need help
how to clear the '{'-unbalanced brackets error
"}" - unexpected end of program
help is needed

The number of parentheses must equal the number of closing parentheses

Aliaksandr Hryshyn:

The number of opening brackets must equal the number of closing brackets

Hello, I've tried to find them, but I can't.

I can't seem to find them all right. I've checked many times.
hello I've been trying to find them but can't

I can't seem to find them correctly, I've checked them many times

Opening and closing parentheses are highlighted in MetaEditor. Align all brackets according to their hierarchy. Look carefully to see if the correct brackets are aligned correctly. In the future, maintain the same style. So that when you look at the code its hierarchy is clearly visible. This will contribute to readability.

Mihail Matkovskij:

I wrote that the work of your example, in principle, practically does not differ from the work of CCanvas class, the standard library. Should you be offended because of it?!... I'll also add that, at that, CCanvas has muchmore possibilities (no offense). Nikolai's library extends the capabilities of CCanvas. But I was looking for a way which is even faster than canvas. It turned out that apart from labels I couldn't find anything else.

And as for you and Nikolai refusing to have a dialogue, I don't see anything. In any case, you haven't. And now and again you keep on voicing your dissatisfactions to me...! My advice to you: find yourself any newcomer who needs help with kanvas, needs kanvas but doesn't know how to apply it and communicate in a way that pleases you (if his character matches your complicated one). I don't see what complaint you can have about me.... All your problems lie in your own head!

Well, then, phew on you.

Alexey Viktorov:

You're wasting your time...

Nikolai Semko:
I know.
Alexey Viktorov:

Well then, piss on you.

These are all equivalent lines! Hayter...