How do I access the server from behind a corporate proxy?


The MT5 trading server runs on port 1950. We have closed all the "left" ports at our company, including port 1950. It is impossible to agree with the administrator about its opening (security policy...). Tunneling via HTTPort - doesn't work.

MT4 was running on port 443 which is the port that ICQ uses and therefore we have this port (for ICQ) open.

What are the ways to reach the server in this situation? Who knows what - share your experience if any ;)


Our MetaTrader 5 demo server has several access points:


You can specify in account settings and allocate demo account via it. Once connected, the terminal will scan all available access points and select the fastest one:

Access to 443 ports is usually available in proxy servers. Also remember to update to the latest version - proxy support was fixed in build 268.


Once connected, the terminal will scan all available access points and select the fastest one:

Access to 443 ports is usually available in proxy servers. Also don't forget to update to the latest version - proxy support was fixed in build 268.

I just installed everything from scratch (uninstalled the old version, ran the web installer, which stole a fresh installation and ran it), but still nothing works.

I go to Tools / Settings, set in the Server field, and try to configure proxy (I set the same parameters as in the working quad).

Here is where the "hitch" occurs: apparently, to test proxy, terminal tries to connect to default server (which is the one with closed port 1950). No connection is made and then I get the message "Proxy test failed". No connection has been made and new server is not saved(?!) and we cannot select it in server list (even after restarting the terminal) - it is not there.

By the way, despite the fact that I have no connection to any server (none scanned) procesces opening demo account starts, progress bar comes to the right border and (obviously going further) continues to hang. probably no point in even trying to open/create accounts if no one live server.

But setting the server address would be very appropriate in the form of opening a demo account.


Yes, this will definitely be fixed.

Try to download the distribution again (300kb) - we have just updated the default access point list.

Your old, previously downloaded web installer does not have the latest access point list.


Your old, previously downloaded web installer does not have the latest access point list.

The web installer searches for access points to download the full distribution normally (after telling it the proxy settings) and finds where to download from and downloads successfully.

But after installing the terminal, I can't scan any of the trade servers. I keep getting the message "Proxy test failed" no matter what proxy settings I try to set.


The web installer scans CDN access points to download distributions. These access points are http web servers for distribution of installation files, not trade servers.

It's the updated installer that needs to be downloaded.

My proxy scans the manually prescribed access points fine:


The web installer scans CDN access points to download distributions. These access points are http web servers for distribution of installation files, not trade servers.

It's the updated installer that needs to be downloaded.

I'm just saying: downloading the installer from a proxy is fine, but access to the trade servers from a proxy is not.

My proxy scans the manually prescribed access points fine:

ask your admins to close (or close yourself if you can) the exit to the outside on port 1950 and try to simulate my situation (with a closed port) ;)
Because you shouldn't be looking at charts at work! In a serious company, they don't give a hired hand a head's up.
Because you shouldn't be looking at charts at work! In serious companies, they don't pay salaried employees to look at charts.
for there is no need to get smart on the forum! serious people help each other to solve their problems, rather than post unnecessary rubbish ;)

I actually had the same problem.

try to find a proxy that works as a http on port 80

Corporate firewall might not get a beef.

but they're not usually stupid either.

and keep all sorts of smart guys from doing things other than what the corporation wants them to do.

in business practices, big gates said to shield people from information that's of no interest to the corporation.

so that a man can focus his intellect on the corporation's goals.

which is the foundation of corporate culture right now.

and not be distracted by unwanted goals.

so your actions could be considered a violation of corporate law.

you are a corporate criminal =)

It's like a serious organization called MetaQoutesSofware Corp.

and you're discussing such things on their forum... that's like hacking and breaking the rules.

and yet you find the topics of circumventing CORPORATE protection and circumventing corporate policies acceptable for discussion

so you'd better discuss access to closed networks on the hacker magazine forum

remember buying one of these when i was young? about 10 years ago somewhere =)


smarty-pants again? it's simple: with the new mt5 product there's a problem... I'm trying to solve it... and the solution has absolutely nothing to do with how you think employees should work :)))