MetaTrader 5 trading strategy tester ideology: agents - page 7


Given that everyone has accumulated a number of SIM cards over the years, which have become virtually expendable, it is not difficult to allocate one SIM card exclusively for such cases. It's for when you don't want to flash your regular number.

For example, some users of Internet banks specially create separate phone numbers (sims) for such services.


I agree with everything, but about the era there is an inaccuracy :) It is not the era of multicore processors (it actually began about three years ago), but the era of cloud computing. The fact that there are no buyers for computing resources as a service is simply because there are no offers at the moment. In innovative technologies the laws of the market work a little differently (not demand creates supply, but supply creates demand).

No supply? Yes, as much as you like. This story is as old as the internet - seti@home, code hacks, etc. -There's nothing innovative here, except betting on the penny-pinching greed of the lumpen proletariat for computers.


Given that everyone has accumulated a number of SIMs over the years, which have become virtually expendable, it is not difficult to allocate one SIM exclusively for such cases. This is for when you don't want to flash your regular number.

For example, some users of Internet banks specially create separate phone numbers (sims) for such services.

Renat, honestly, my interest is not in the number of SIM cards, which costs by the way 100 rubles on a market day.
It's about who you trust with virtually all your data, its safety and the degree of "exposure".
If you notice, the services, such as banking, even if the client knows not shine a letter from his personal.
(sometimes even when the client themselves shines the light and / or allows it to be shined)

To the service, YES! at least boot size, to other members or "friends of mates" NO.

I myself have been using it for many years, and I have not had to make any complaints to the companies.
I hope I won't have to in the future.

I assume that the "phone question" is now closed.


Don't underestimate us either - we are not chasing pennies, but building a long-term strategy to develop the community of traders at a new level.

A community of traders or programmers? I have said this before, but now I see more and more signs that confirm my fears - you make a step to the traders, and then two steps to the programmers, but they are opposite directions. A trader-programmer is almost like a platypus, a strange beast and very, very rare.

"The Marketplace will attract crowds of"online earning" amateurs, which will further reduce the overall intellectual level of the forum. Do you need it?


I see an organic evolution of the trading platform.

Apparently, sceptics like to split the car into engine and seats and then critique their purpose against each other and get ducked :)

The future will show what this site will evolve into - I suggest we wait a bit.



Renat 2010.01.24 21:28 2010.01.24 21:28:26

Well I'm interested in the old problem. Would it be possible to run the tester multiple times from some environment to generate the analysis results in the tables. That is, in fact, to automate the procedure of forward-analysis. It used to take 90% of my time working with Expert Advisors in MT4.

I think we will - Rashid Umarov (Rosh) insists on it too


Thank you, Rashid! And it makes sense. By separating Tester into a separate module, you're giving users an opportunity to build their own analytical algorithms of history processing. Everyone can build their own version of the Tester with their own DBMS (Maybe you will write a DBMS too, in time?).


Given that everyone has accumulated many SIM cards over the years, which have become virtually expendable, it is not difficult to allocate one SIM card exclusively for such cases. It's for when you don't want to flash your regular number.

For example, some users of Internet banks specially create separate phone numbers (sims) for such services.

Exactly, you take a free gift SIM card, and voila!

In general, yes, the SMS confirmation service is quite a mature service offered by banks. I find it convenient in terms of cost/security.


No offers? Yeah, all you want. This story is as old as the internet - seti@home, code hacks, etc. -There's nothing innovative here, except betting on the penny-pinching greed of the lumpen proletariat for computers.

The innovation here is that in the "market", for the mass user of trading terminals and analysis software, this is the first such solution. Of course, let's say, I have had such paralleling for a long time, some other people have it, some organizations have it, but it's not mass - it's not offered "like seeds". And it is progress when episodic exploitation of new ideas becomes a mass phenomenon. It is clear that if the mass means available to many, and not expensive, then the reproach "betting on the penny-pinching greed of the lumpen proletariat for computers" smacks of populism and narrow-minded sloganeering. That is, it's about nothing, an appeal to feelings rather than reason.

I see an organic development of the trading platform.

Apparently sceptics like to divide the car into engine and seats and then critique their purpose against each other and get a duckbill :)

What a great comparison. Old Freud was right, it seems, with the reservations the subconscious gives away. All that remains is to figure out who is who: the trader is the engine and the programmer is the seat, or vice versa, and then overlay that with the general trend of product development.

I don't see an organic development of the platform, but a skew in the technical gizmos - "Because we can". Naturally, we have different vantage points and each vision is one-sided.


The future will show what this site will turn into - I suggest we wait a bit.

Let's wait, especially as nothing depends on us and waiting is the only thing we can realistically do. Personally, I've been waiting for three and a half years, I'm patient...

Renat, honestly, my interest is not in the number of SIM cards, which costs by the way 100 rubles on a market day.
It's about who you trust with virtually all your data, its safety and the degree of "exposure".
If you notice, the services, such as banking, even if the client knows not shine a letter from his personal.
(sometimes even when the client themselves shines the light and / or allows it to be shined)

To the service, YES! at least boot size, to other participants or 'friends of mates' NO.

I myself have been using for many years, and no reason to push claims to companies.
Hopefully and won't have to in the future...

I assume that the "phone question" is now closed.

Frankly - with the phones is IMHO a big mistake, as it will kill at the root of everything. Webmoney or so it seems to me should be enough.