MetaTrader 5 trading strategy tester ideology: agents - page 5


Possibility of balancing, i.e. there are three agents on k3, k3 is temporarily loaded,

and one or two agents have to slow down, k3 is released, all agents are up and running again...

There are several ways:

  1. can refuse (Enable checkbox) to use a particular agent directly from the agent manager interface of the client terminal
  2. stop the agent and it will not be used
  3. use the background mode of the agent to leave some resources on the system (not yet implemented)

There will be no more detailed adjustment of the work of the agents, as the agents have one job - to do the work and not demand attention.

Run and forget: it will work by itself, delete delete delete delete rubbish, and in a few days of inactivity will automatically erase all the accumulated caches of quotes, system logs and will remain in the system as one exe file.

The maximum power of agents is seen in heavy optimization tasks, when thousands of tests have to be run in parallel. In case of a single test, third-party agents won't be of much help.

Remote agents are a side effect of taking the tester outside the terminal. If you don't want it, just don't use it.

With the new features, it will be possible to do mass calculations that ordinary users would never have dreamed of before. A calculation supercomputer can now easily be set up on any network in a matter of minutes.

By the way, in a little while we will announce a new service for selling computer power via That is, any participant can sell his or her calculation hours on the agents.

For example, put up 4 agents on your quad-core for public sale from 01:00 to 07:00 at night. Packages of "settlement resources" can be bought by anyone directly from our website. The buyer buys a package and the money, minus our commission, is transferred to the sellers' accounts in proportion to the resources used.

In what units and how will the calculated resource be measured?
Because not only the performance of different computers is different, but also the load of other processes running in the system is different at different points in time.

How much would a calculated resource cost approximately?


In what units and how will the calculated resource be measured?
It is not only the performance of different computers, but also the workload of other processes running in the system at different points in time.

How much is the estimated resource worth?

You can see PR (Performance Rate) parameter on the screenshots - it shows the power of one logical core on the calculation of a special test task. We plan to include this parameter into "calculated resources".

So far, the questions of exact accounting (accounting formula) and calculation rate have not been solved - the practice will show after the beta-version is released.

I personally have an idea that because of the huge amounts of unused capacity (almost all computers are actually idle almost 95% of the time), the cost of such resources will be low.

But it will also mean that it will be possible to test such an idea in 24 hours and $100 (notionally) dollars, which could never have been completed in a year before.

Perhaps we will open up a mass market for cloud computing in financial analytics - we have all the conditions (technical, organisational and financial) for this.


Perhaps, we will also launch MQL5 Agents Gateway as service so that remote agents could efficiently pass through their proxy servers and take tasks through this service.

In fact, this proxy server will allow any firewalls and corporate proxies to be passed through.

External balloon accounting will be at the rate of:
- 1 machine 1 agent
- ???

What would be the right way to divvy up the option:
2 agents are placed on each machine.
One for local needs only, the other local/external with external priority.
(or the second is purely for external ball, if this is problematic)


You can put as many agents as you want on one computer (although it does not make sense to have more than the number of logical cores). To lease your resources, you will need to register each agent on the MQL5 website. Used resources will be counted by actual use of resources through a complex formula with control and result correction on accounting server (statistical control is intended to prevent falsification).

The accounting formula has not been defined yet and we will work out the formula in practice and tune it after release of the beta of the Strategy Tester.


Remote agents are a side effect of taking the tester outside the terminal. If you don't want it, just don't use it.

With the new features, it will be possible to do mass calculations that ordinary users would never have dreamed of before. A calculation supercomputer can now easily be set up on any network in a matter of minutes.

I can say it again - Wow! Cool! Super! And I really think so.

However, I will try to ask again, why? - How does it increase the usefulness, attractiveness and ease of use of your product for traders? I do not need to answer, answer it yourself.


By the way, in a little while we will announce a new service for selling computer power through In other words, any participant can sell his or her calculation hours at agents.

For example, put up 4 agents on your quad-core for public sale from 01:00 to 07:00 at night. Packages of "settlement resources" can be bought by anyone directly from our website. The buyer purchases the package and the money, minus our commission, is transferred to the sellers' accounts in proportion to the resources used.

"You're making me laugh." People here are begrudgingly paying 10 bucks to write an advisor that should have made them rich, and you're suggesting they buy computer power? Before launching your "new service", did you conduct market research and find an immeasurable effective demand? Then why? "Because we can!" (c) I see immeasurable sellers - everyone has a computer, many have access to many other people's computers, but not a single customer.

Free predictions for the future: the crowds of computer proletarians will load corporate grids with your agents, which will inhibit other people's computers, and your agents will be equated with viruses with corresponding additions in the databases of all anti-viruses. Do not underestimate the proletariat - to any technical cunning of yours, they will respond with their predictable stupidity (almost Bismarckian).



1. In addition to the proletarians of the former Soviet Union, there are plenty of people from countries where buying tulkits
is a matter of course...

2. 2. Before buying, they can first sell. Proletarians can do this, for example
sell to the same buyers of tolkits.
And then, when the need arises to start their own estimation which was prepared stubbornly composed.

As far as I understood, in distributed computing, the main traffic is loading the job,
then loading the required data, and finally the output...
I suppose that even in case of several agents on one network the downloading of
will not be more than from different torrents, game servers and other stuff...


I can say it again - Wow! Cool! Great! And I really think so.

However, let me try to ask again, why? - How does it increase the usefulness, attractiveness and ease of use of your product for traders? I do not need to answer, answer yourself.

"You make me laugh. People here are begging to pay 10 bucks to write an Expert Advisor that would make them rich, and you suggest that they buy computer power? Before launching your "new service", did you conduct market research and find an immeasurable effective demand? Then why? "Because we can!" (c) I see immeasurable sellers - everyone has a computer, many have access to many other people's computers, but not a single customer.

I predict the future for free: the crowds of computer proletarians will load corporate grids with your agents, which will inhibit other people's computers, and your agents will be equated with viruses with corresponding additions in the databases of all anti-viruses. Do not underestimate the proletariat - to any technical cunning of yours, they will respond with their predictable stupidity (almost Bismarckian).

Renat, there is something in these words, :) Probably, just not exactly what they mean literally.

I personally see that you'll not only do well with your new product, but you'll also discourage potential competitors from even trying to think about doing something similar, competitively capable.

The correct approach for software developers is to go straight to the bottom with all the obvious options, so that the potential competitors are not left with obvious arguments to convince the "invetstors" to to give them the money to develop the product.

You are doing the right thing because you are in the early stages of growth and you are a successful product, and it is high time competitors showed up.

As for selling power, I'm pretty sure you've got a good feel for the future - you're good again - a new era is dawning - multi-core CPUs are just around the corner and I wouldn't be surprised if in time it was built into the Windows and other systems.

But besides you seem to me to talk only about "issuing such an option" and while it hasn't happened no one can even suggest how it will be in demand and who will use it. So you offer five NEW products. A fundamentally new one.

As for the lumpen, and other proletariat who don't want to give 10 quid to a programmer. And the lamentation of the latter about it, well what can I say - you can't sell yourself so who's to blame here, well, not the customer.

So I personally can not wait until your tester comes out.


You see, by the way, on that site pathetic "performance" your "big" (in quotes) "competition" (also in quotes), well, the theme was taken down and rightly so, since it was all foregone, but you saw that they sell for crap for such money. So you are doing well and are on the right track, in some ways it reminds me of the winds road.



I can say it again - Wow! Cool! Great! And I really think so.

However, let me try to ask again, why? - How does it increase the usefulness, attractiveness and ease of use of your product for traders? I do not need to answer, answer yourself.

"You make me laugh. People here are begging to pay 10 bucks to write an Expert Advisor that would make them rich, and you suggest that they buy computer power? Before launching your "new service", did you conduct market research and find an immeasurable effective demand? Then why? "Because we can!" (c) I see immeasurable sellers - everyone has a computer, many have access to many other people's computers, but not a single customer.

I predict the future for free: the crowds of computer proletarians will load corporate grids with your agents, which will inhibit other people's computers, and your agents will be equated with viruses with corresponding additions in the databases of all anti-viruses. Don't underestimate the proletariat - to any of your technical cunning, they will respond with their predictable stupidity (almost Bismarck).

"If I asked people what they wanted, they'd still be driving wagons" - Henry Ford.

We are tackling a complex problem: the MQL5 site will be a central trading platform. If no one buys computer power, it means that the idea is not mature enough. But we will do it and we will test it in practice.

To put an agent for sale you have to register him/her on under your account (and this account has to be confirmed with a working mobile phone). No one has cancelled our control - bacchanalia will not be tolerated.

Do not underestimate us - we are not chasing pennies, but building a long-term strategy for the development of the traders' community at a new level.