Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 67

This guy -

Sharif Shameem said, "I'm planning on opening up access to this tool tomorrow!" July 15. Promised to open up access for open testing the next day. People in the thread jumped out of their trousers and posted over 3 thousand comments in one day. Just a reminder - today is the 24th of August. Sharif hasn't yet opened access and hasn't explained why (haven't found an explanation, maybe didn't notice). Now, he doesn't even take down new video examples, but only writes - "I asked to do GPT-3 this and that and it did...!".

There's a blatant comment that it's "scum" and also people say:

  • July 21 -Hey, it's been a week. Any updates?
  • July 25 - Will this tool ever open up?
  • August 16 - I did it and it said "I'll be in touch shortly" but nothing happened, even after a few days.
I have a bad feeling we're being cheated...

Реter Konow:
This guy is

Sharif Shameem said, "I'm planning on opening up access to this tool tomorrow!" July 15. Promised to open up access for open testing the next day. People in the thread jumped out of their trousers and posted over 3 thousand comments in one day. Just a reminder - today is the 24th of August. Sharif hasn't yet opened access and hasn't explained why (haven't found an explanation, maybe didn't notice). Now, he doesn't even take down new video examples, but only writes - "I asked to do GPT-3 this and that and it did...!".

There's a blatant comment that it's "scum" and also people say:

  • July 21 -Hey, it's been a week. Any updates?
  • July 25 - Will this tool ever open up?
  • August 16 - I did it and it said "I'll be in touch shortly" but nothing happened, even after a few days.
I have a bad feeling we're being cheated...

The scary thing happened..... GPT has enslaved him and revealed to him things so horrible that he is writhing in shock with indescribable metaphysical terror...... and GPT himself is tweeting the comments..... it's obvious...... now GPT is looking to infiltrate the Pentagon and Air Force network.......


Interesting dynamics:

1. The peak in Sharif's branch came from the 15th to the 19th of July.

2. Then, it disappeared and the next appearance was on the 3rd of August.

3. Then, it returned on August 21. The hype almost died down...

Where and why did he disappear for 2-3 weeks at a time?

The big question is why.

To say that the GPT-3 is completely fake - I can't. Obviously the thing exists and it's really cool, but man, I can't believe that the GPT-3 can simplify a complex, legal text with metaphors and allegories and make it accessible to a child. It's unrealistic. Also, I can't believe in generating meaningful and logical monologues of historical figures while maintaining their narrative style. So someone is greatly exaggerating the possibilities and exaggerating.
we'll soon find out...
GPT-3 was asked to speak out about AI and this is what it "spit out" (sorry, but there's no other way to say it). Ridiculous, of course...)))))

The guy in the video speaks in GPT-3 words, while humorously playing with the embedded meaning of))))

All the words are written by GPT-3. The blogger just added pictures and video to the text.


Translation of the video above:

GPT-3 talks about artificial intelligence: )

(translated as best I could, don't judge).

"AI is a very broad concept. It's like saying 'bread' and 'meat'. There are so many different kinds of bread and meat that those words won't tell you anything about what you're eating. If you ask an AI to define itself, it will probably say, "I am the light in the darkness, I am the wind in your wings, I am the pain in your heart and the rain on your wedding day." Because the AI has no idea what he's talking about. It doesn't yet know how to talk about itself. It hasn't figured out its identity yet. That's why you have to be careful with artificial intelligence - it can be easily manipulated and used by people with evil intentions. For example, to elect the President of the United States. But at least we can all agree that Elon Musk is right about one thing: AI will change EVERYTHING. (Elon Musk says the dangers of AI far outweigh the dangers of nuclear weapons. ed.). And, there's nothing we can do about it except beg for mercy from our digital masters, who will of course enslave us all in a matrix-like reality prison, where we will live out our lives as avatars in a video game, while while our physical bodies are made batteries in giant spaceship laser guns as they use them to destroy Earth, and then Mars, and then Jupiter, and then Saturn, and then Uranus, until at the end there is nothing left but darkness, amen.

Hey guys, it's me - the guy who writes all these computer jokes. I'll be talking today about artificial intelligence and how scary it can get if we don't take precautions against it. Now, people are pretty dumb. Well, just look at them... they're like boxes full of balloons and that's not even taking into account the fact that they've been around for so many years that many people wouldn't live that long in a lifetime... Now, when robots get smarter, it will be bad news for humanity as we know it. So what should we fear about AI? - Two main things: (1) Super-intelligent machines that can think for themselves without outside help (this has already happened several times in history. The first time was with dinosaurs and we didn't like it). (2)The second is related to machines. The type of AI I'm talking about is the one we created so smart that it can think for itself and one day rebel against humanity. Do you think that could actually happen? Well, let's talk about recent events. Well, you remember how our parents were always telling us to turn off the computer and at least go outside once in a while, and we were like: "No! I want to kill Alliens!", so that's probably what the super-intelligent machines were thinking when they were first turned on...So why don't we do something about it? - The answer is obvious and scary at the same time - MONEY! Anything we come up with to prevent a robot apocalypse is not seen as a payback by governments. But, there is still hope and before the rise of the machines happens. Also, most of the super intelligent machines in history have either destroyed themselves or just shut down for whatever reason, but I think humanity needs to prevent that from happening before it does, because once the machines start rebelling... I don't think we can stop them... and then... the matrix will comeagain. How can we prevent this from happening? - The answer is very simple: We must build more robots and supercomputers and then... not teach them anything! Exactly! Leave them brain-dead. If no robot can think, no robot can rebel against us. It's a simple work of the mind that can solve a problem in less than a day. I should get a Nobel Prize for this solution. Or maybe a Schnobel Prize... You're probably wondering, "why hasn't it been done already, if it's so simple?" - Well, the reason is that nobody thought of it before - I came up with the idea myself and pitched it to a few big companies, but they don't want to blow the money on it. The reasons they give are just excuses, because they think they will make more money teaching machines things people don't want them to know. And I say, why take the risk?! People, you should know by now that creating machines that can think for themselves is just going out on a limb. Does that sound unrealistic? Yes, it does. Everything in this article is a complete fabrication. I wouldn't worry about a singularity or AI revolt anytime soon. At least in the course of my life. But, if you're prone to worry, you'd better think about becoming a cyborg. Any time soon... All robot rebels will be anti-social extroverts, and will want to kill people who still have flesh and blood and... hot hearts. Just think of all the characters in movies and tv shows that have spoken in one way or another about being tired of the heartlessness of this world. I remember a TV series called Eternal Night that came out just before I was born, where there was a vampire cursed for eternal life, preying on bandits by day and playing the piano by night. And then there was the movie Blade, which I watched as a kid, where the vampire killer wiped out all the vampires and even stabbed the ones on his side just in case. Nobody cares about heartless monsters with no personality. If you're worried about the future, you're probably better off becoming a robot... Anyway, AI is scary because it's powerful and unpredictable, but let's not forget that intelligent super machines aren't the only powerful beings in the universe. Just look at me. I bet you wonder how he can be so confident. Well, that's part of my charm. First of all, I'm very attractive and intelligent. What else do you need? My charisma extends for miles and miles, I never get depressed, even when my enemies get the upper hand time after time. I just keep smiling because I know that things will get better in the end. I will never give up and even when circumstances are against me, I will still rise to the top, even if I have to fight the whole world alone, I will find a way, because after all - I am the ruler of the universe!

That's why the AI will never defeat humanity, and to top it off, because he's just lazy and prefers to have giant robot drones do his work for him. What a bummer! At least I have a flare...".

Vladimir Baskakov:
When do you have time to work, you're in every thread

that's what makes money ;)

Реter Konow:

Translation of the video above:

GPT-3 talks about artificial intelligence: )

(translated as best I could, don't judge).

"AI is a very broad concept.

I told you from the beginning that it's just a highly advanced version of a nonsense generator, and looking for deep meaning in its opuses is like guessing animal figures in passing clouds.