Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 48

Реter Konow:

The work of the brain is incredibly complex and combines the processing of information from all the senses, the evaluation of significant parts of the received data, the formation of reactions and the performance of a million other functions. The brain controls the body's motor skills through the nervous system, performing a wild array of calculations and in parallel dealing with our memory, thoughts and experiences. Most of it happens automatically. Probably 99% of the brain's work we don't realise. It's an amazing thing).

To recreate such a thing is a very audacious task.))

But, after all, we only need 1% - Consciousness, and that in a trimmed down form. I think we can manage. ))))

Most likely, there are autonomous parts of the psyche, sometimes not even conscious, or partially conscious, but sometimes indirectly surfacing in the consciousness, and the psyche itself is not monolithic, but a patchwork quilt...

One can even imagine individual substructures fighting for influence in the central core (consciousness)

It's amazing that it all works, there is no unified architecture, CPU, clock frequency, synchronization, control registers, it all organizes itself somehow, most likely spontaneously...

The most frightening discovery that can be made is that there is no personality at all, it's just an appearance, a sum of accumulated experiences and reactions...


Most likely there are autonomous parts of the psyche, sometimes not even conscious, or partially conscious but sometimes indirectly surfacing in consciousness, and the psyche itself is not monolithic, but a patchwork quilt...

One can even imagine individual substructures fighting for influence in the central core (consciousness)

It's amazing that it all works, there is no unified architecture, CPU, clock frequency, synchronization, control registers, it all organizes itself somehow, most likely spontaneously...

The worst discovery that can be made is that there is no personality at all, it's just an appearance, a sum of accumulated experience and reactions...

I think it's been discovered for a long time

and life sort of keeps hinting at it by bumping into other "personalities"


1. There are likely to be autonomous parts of the psyche, sometimes not even consciously aware, or partly conscious but sometimes indirectly surfacing in consciousness, and the psyche itself is not monolithic, but a patchwork quilt...

2. You can even imagine that individual substructures are fighting for influence in the central core (consciousness)

3. It is amazing that it all works, there is no unified architecture, CPU, clock frequency, synchronization, control registers, it is all self-organized somehow, most likely spontaneously...

1. As long as one does not control oneself, other forces control it.

2. it is called multiple personality disorder.

"1990, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA. A 27-year-old American woman named Sarah, appearing in court as the victim in the Mark Peterson rape case, claims Sarah is only the name of her body which contains 6 other personalities and 15 personality fragments along with her. She herself, she says, has no recollection of ever being acquainted with the accused. The victim learned that Peterson had sexually assaulted "her body", which, according to the victim, was not under her own control at the time, but under the control of naive Jennifer (one of the six), from the other personalities "residing" in her body. The victim also claimed that she could not control what happened when any of these personalities controlled her body, but that she could "summon" some of them and talk to them. The prosecution representative asked her to summon Jennifer's personality. The victim tilted her head, closed her eyes and after a few seconds her facial expression and voice changed - a cheerful and naive Jennifer appeared, waving cheerfully to the jury. The judge swore Jennifer in. In the same way the identity of six-year-old Emily was soon summoned, followed by the identity of Leslie and others. And, as they appeared, each was sworn in by the judge[2]. "

3. there's architecture and synchronisation and everything else, but it's at a field level, it's like even a kindergartener knows that today...


1. While a person is not in control of themselves, they are being controlled by other forces.

2. it is called multiple personality disorder.

"1990, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA. A 27-year-old American woman named Sarah, appearing in court as the victim in the Mark Peterson rape case, claims Sarah is only the name of her body which contains 6 other personalities and 15 personality fragments along with her. She herself, she says, has no recollection of ever being acquainted with the accused. The victim learned that Peterson had sexually assaulted "her body", which, according to the victim, was not under her own control at the time, but under the control of naive Jennifer (one of the six), from the other personalities "residing" in her body. The victim also claimed that she could not control what happened when any of these personalities controlled her body, but that she could "summon" some of them and talk to them. The prosecution representative asked her to summon Jennifer's personality. The victim tilted her head, closed her eyes and after a few seconds her facial expression and voice changed - a cheerful and naive Jennifer appeared, waving cheerfully to the jury. The judge swore Jennifer in. In the same way the identity of six-year-old Emily was soon summoned, followed by the identity of Leslie and others. And, as they appeared, each was sworn in by the judge[2]. "

3. there's architecture and synchronisation and everything else, but it's at a field level, I think even kindergarteners know that today...

Fight Club)) the movie... and further development where 48 personalities))))

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I think it's been out in the open for a while now.

and life sort of keeps hinting at it, bumping into other "personalities"

Come on, really? )
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I think it's been out in the open for a while now...

I don't think it's open. What do you think?

I'd take it.

give me two

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I think it's been out in the open for a while now.

and life sort of keeps hinting at it, bumping into other "personalities".

I don't understand, what does that even mean?
Реter Konow:
I don't understand, what does that even mean?

What don't you agree with then?