Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 23

Sergey Chalyshev:

In fact, artificial intelligence has long been invented and widely used.

You watch TV and read the internet, it tells you how to do things and you all obey it.

Your intelligence has become artificial.)

There is a category of people whose brain is in a box and used by other people. The other category is able to think and make decisions for themselves.

My point is that there is no conspiracy. Everyone is doing what they are interested in. Some are trying to make a robotic assistant, others are trying to replicate nature and explore the possibilities of creating intelligence. Most importantly, there is no conspiracy. That's what I wanted to say.
Vasiliy Vilkov:

Somehow the main thing is that everyone talks about him and he is discussed by everyone...

I don't think that's true... Most likely he doesn't care what anyone says about him or if anyone talks about him at all. The man has money and interests, he just does not deny himself anything :).

Aleksei Stepanenko:
My point is that there is no conspiracy. Everyone is doing something that interests them. Some are trying to make a robot helper, others are trying to replicate nature and explore the possibilities of creating intelligence. Most importantly, there is no conspiracy. That's what I wanted to say.

You are probably assuming some kind of conspiracy, like in the movies - in a back room with the windows curtained off, by candlelight, with an oath, putting your hand over your heart.

And it's simple, when some people who have more power over others don't tell the others about all their plans, it's already a conspiracy. But it's no big deal either, everyone does it, and parents don't tell their children about all their plans, even with regard to those same children.

Artyom Trishkin:

There is a category of people whose brains are in a box and used by other people. The other category is able to think and make decisions for themselves.

Ah, if only. But it is possible to manage in such a way that people think it is their thoughts. And just at this point in time it is very difficult to claim that my thoughts, are my thoughts.

Sergey Chalyshev:

In fact, artificial intelligence has long been invented and widely used.

You watch TV and read the internet, it tells you how to do things and you all obey it.

Your intelligence has become artificial )

Yes, and psychotronic generators have been used by tsars since the Middle Ages: mass festivals, processions, demonstrations, and especially monasteries supported by the tsar.

It must be extremist. After reading it, burn it))
Dmitry Fedoseev:

It's as simple as that,

That's what I'm saying. That was part of my conversation with Sergei.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Ah, if only. But it is possible to manage so that people think that these are their thoughts. And just at this point in time, it's very difficult to claim that my thoughts, are my thoughts.

Look at Jacques Fresco... He says that people simply cannot have their own thoughts, i.e. we think ourselves, but we think within the limits of our world outlook, which is formed by the environment which surrounds us. It follows that thoughts are not our own, but there is no reason for conspiracies...

Well, this is just a man's opinion, you can agree with it or not:)

Maksim Neimerik:

Look at Jacques Fresco... He says that people simply cannot have their own thoughts, i.e. we think for ourselves, but we think within the limits of our worldview, which is formed by the environment around us. It follows that thoughts are not our own, but there is no reason for conspiracies...

Well as it is simply the opinion of man, you can agree with it, and you can not:).

Jacques Fresco certainly has no thoughts of his own.