Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 20


While we're at it.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the soul is responsible for consciousness and the body is the vessel for it. A few theories follow (summarised).

Reincarnation. The basic idea of Eastern religions. There is a confirmation of modern science with the help of regression hypnosis: people are put into hypnosis and remember all the earlier events of their life right up to birth, and then people begin to describe "otherworldly" life, previous deaths and lives, go to foreign languages, describe places and life from the past and other regions of the earth.

In addition, scientists have managed to measure the "weight" of the soul. After death, the head becomes lighter by a few grams.

People in the state of clinical death can describe what was going on around them.

Under the influence of substances people feel an expansion of consciousness, as if the body stops restricting them.

Castaneda, that's something else. Everything he describes is very similar to the effects of substances, mind experiments ala mkultra, constant reincarnations soul-body, lucid dreaming (out of body?), string theory. But those themes came later than his books.

There are also myths that people used to be much bigger and less dense, like clouds. This theme could be promoted further. What if people in the past already transplanted cognition into denser matter. I mean, what is life, can we say that a cloud thinks or a piece of silicon thinks? What if life evolved not only from bacteria to primates, but also from less dense matter to more dense matter. In the early universe, everything was in a gaseous state, so life must have consisted of gases. Then solid planets began to form and life began to take on modern forms, and then life could take on the form of robots. That is, life consciousness acquires more and more dense bodies in order to better interact with the world around us.

Or we can use a more modern theory that we are connected to a matrix, all around is a computer emulation, and vr will be a matrix in a matrix as an onion.

Interesting judgement. Thank you.

There is no such thing as artificial intelligence and there never will be!

Intelligence implies independence of judgement. And that contradicts the purpose of the creators.

Many people confuse robots and artificial intelligence. No one wants intelligent robots. A robot is like a slave, it has to do its master's bidding.

An intelligent robot does not fit here.

Sergey Chalyshev:

An intelligent robot does not fit in here in any way.

Does an intelligent human fit in?

Sergey Chalyshev:

An intelligent robot doesn't fit in here at all.

Well, scientists are always interested in replicating nature. They don't need a slave, they have an academic interest.

Vitaliy Maznev:

Does an intelligent person fit in?

You look like a robot, you ask the wrong questions.)

Ask your creator.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Well scientists are always interested in repeating nature. They don't need a slave, they have an academic interest.

And I can see that the man is right. Only where independent judgement gets in the way, it is worth thinking about one's position as well.

Sergey Chalyshev:

You look like a robot, you're asking the wrong questions.)

It seems to me that the question is not just the right one, but the key one.

Vitaliy Maznev:

And I can see that the man is right. It is only where independent judgement gets in the way that one should think about one's own position as well.

No, I don't get it. Explain the point a little more.
Aleksei Stepanenko:

Well scientists are always interested in repeating nature. They don't need a slave, they have an academic interest.

What do scientists live on? Who will pay them money for their interest?

And no one wants to create problems for themselves.

If a scientist creates a robot to teach him how to live, he will immediately take it apart for parts.)

Sergey Chalyshev:

What do scientists live on?

No, scientists just study. They study everything, in all directions. Including the brain. Who's going to stop them? I posted some informative videos above, if you are interested in the subject, you can listen to a lot more.