1200 subscribers!!! - page 78

Vasiliy Kolesov:

And who will do this "pure trade analysis" and according to what criteria? Again, there will be those who are unhappy that the analysis is wrong and based on the wrong indicators. A toad is a toad in Africa, he will always find someone to strangle.)

An African toad is bigger than ours)))

African toad

Alexandr Saprykin:

African toad is bigger than ours)))

)))))) for sure )

Alexandr Saprykin:

African toads are bigger than ours)))

That's the kind of toad that stifles those who have subscribers but think their signal is bad, while they think their signal is great, but they have no subscribers.

Constant new threads on the forum to draw attention to themselves, criticising rating calculations, but all to no avail.

Alexandr Saprykin:

African toads are bigger than ours)))

What a monster at all )))))

Vasiliy Kolesov:

What a monster )))))

Now you probably won't be comparing our toads to African ones.)

Alexandr Saprykin:

African toads are bigger than ours)))

Passion, if you're five foot tall, it will swallow you and not choke you. Don't you kids go for a walk in Africa!

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

It's a nice withdrawal...

But do the subscribers withdraw?

The trader knows that the system allows withdrawing more money than you would withdraw before you lose your account.

The subscribers think that they are going to earn 100% a month.
But do the subscribers withdraw?

The trader knows that it is a system that allows withdrawing more money until the account is depleted.

they do not withdraw more than they should withdraw before they close their account.

If the source of income is subscribers, there is no point in withdrawing money (coins) from the account at all. Who cares how much is there.

PS/ more precisely they withdraw, but not for money :-) money from the signal is withdrawn to get the balance plus or minus a kilometre in balances of potential new subscribers and thus draw a curve upwards. for a long time people subscribe to signals with comparable current balances. The crowd basically doesn't care about anything else - the signal grows, the money is comparable, and all other indicators go haywire

Maxim Kuznetsov:

If the source of income is subscribers, there is no point in withdrawing money (coins) from the account at all. What difference does it make how much is there.

PS/ more precisely, they withdraw, but not for the sake of money :-) money from the signal is withdrawn to get the remainder plus or minus-kilometer in balances of potential new subscribers and thus draw the curve up. For a long time people subscribe to signals with comparable current balances. The crowd basically doesn't care about anything else - the signal grows, the money is comparable, and all other indicators go haywire

What the crowd has to do with it, it's up to each individual to decide

Passion, if you're six feet tall, she'll swallow you and not choke. Don't you kids go for a walk in Africa!

It's a case of greed consuming you completely, without a trace.