1200 subscribers!!! - page 118

Evgeny Belyae
Evgeny Belyaev:


Olga Devitsyna:
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Maybe, but where is the opening point?

Yeah, right. The risks are crazy there. Up to 1.1230 for sure. And up to 1.1270 it seems too.
Boris Gulikov:
Yeah, that's right. The risks are crazy there. It's definitely going down to 1.1230. And up to 1.1270, I think, too.

I'm no expert in forecasting (it's always 50-50) -- but if you look at the H1 -- nothing can stop the Euro from going down to 1.125 on the break-down of yesterday's low.

And at 1.25 it will be the third stop-out in a month for the miracle-dozer-signal.

i really pity subscribers -- the second one wrote in the comments that he lost 60 000 dollars a month on the signal -- i am surprised, but subscribers seriously bet on the signal -- and as seen from comments, they do not bother to analyse the signal.

the provider, of course, rules.

potter here -- he did the right thing -- he leaked and silently backed off, his profile is clean.

and this guy just keeps on going, like, "that's okay, refill, let's get on with it" -- how is that possible?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I'm no expert in forecasting (it's always 50-50) -- but if you look at the H1 -- nothing can stop the Euro from going down to 1.125 on the break-down of yesterday's low.

And at 1.25 it will be the third stop-out in a month for the miracle-dozer-signal.

i really pity subscribers - the second one wrote in the comments that he lost 60 quid a month on the signal.

of course, the provider rules.

he had a decent thing to do - he emptied and quietly backed off, his profile was clean.

But this guy goes and does it all over again, like, no big deal, let's go on.

Gonchar, as far as I can tell, sincerely believed in his trading.

A simple man. With his own views on foundations.

And this lady is a marketer, not a trader by and large.


yes, the marketing people there are specific -- I think it's one gop-company "Mechanic & Co" -- the legs and style of behaviour have quite recognisable roots and/or school.

but I have to give credit -- I watched Mechanic for a while -- there's a lot to learn there -- you just have to take the positive aspect -- like not "selling" but "offering" -- and then watching Mechanic can provide a lot of new and useful insights.

It doesn't seem right to me that the provider is a moderator.

in such an environment, when a signal with thousands of subscribers goes down and the provider is "weird" about what's going on and the prospect -- moderating gives extra weight to her words.

When that happens, moderatorship should be removed for a while -- and then returned when it's over.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

As always, when a squirrel has nothing to say, she starts rambling on about arbitrary topics. Get your green ass back under the bridge where you came from.


As always, when a squirrel has nothing to say, she starts rambling on about arbitrary topics. Get your green ass back under the bridge where you came from.

When a person says something, it is always a manifestation of his inner world, his complexes, his warped consciousness.

You say: "haul your green ass under the bridge" - what's going on with you there? You'd have to come up with such a thing - you're a total cuckoo expert.

Actually, I'm not interested in reading your posts and answering you anything.

Not because I don't want to or because it's a bummer -- I just don't have a proper special education -- I can only see that there is something wrong with you, but without any special psychiatric methods you could be really harmed.

So -- get well.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

yeah, how come you forgot to go by the nickname?)

it's usually the diagnosticians like you who are the most fucked up.


yeah, how come you forgot to go by the nickname ))

I call you "the expert" in small circles -- on the forum "the expert".

be well, I'm fed up with your inane stream of "consciousness" -- I have no more time for you -- I've spent 15 minutes in two days on your posts -- go ahead, write whatever replies you want, I won't read or reply.