1200 subscribers!!! - page 52

Artyom Trishkin:
Well... He has nothing to lose except his reputation. He has the main income from subscriptions.

So what's the main income from subscriptions? Is it bad? Why is that a bad thing?

Isn't reputation enough? That you have nothing to lose.

Why does it bother you all so much?

By the way, the definition of envy is very simple, if there is something like "But he does not deserve it", "He does not deserve it", "How so, but I am better, and he is bathed in gold", "Yes he fool does not do anything special", etc. - then that's envy.

And if something like, "Here's a guy good, gives, how would I come up with something too," etc. - This is normal, this is not envy.

That's how to define whether a man is jealous or not.

Stanislav Aksenov:

1. So what's the main income from subscriptions? Is that a bad thing? Why is it bad?

2. Isn't reputation enough? That you have nothing to lose.

3. Why does it bother you all so much?

By the way, the definition of envy is very simple, if there is something like "But he does not deserve it," "He does not deserve", "As if, but I'm better, and he bathes in gold," "Yes he fool does not do anything special", etc. - that's jealousy.

And if something like, "Here's a guy good, gives, how would I come up with something too," etc. - This is normal, this is not envy.

That's easy to determine whether a person is jealous or not.

1. Did I say somewhere that it is bad? This is quite a good income - well done Taras, because he was able to make the crowd goes to his signal.

2. Did I say somewhere that reputation is not enough? Reputation is the basis of the basics. It just so happens that a reputation can be made for some insignificant subject to be sacrificed for the sake of a huge profit, and forget about the corrupted subject with a damped reputation.

3. Where does it show that it all bothers me? I can see it from a high television tower, if anything.

И? What's up there? Judging by your deductions, am I burning with black envy?


Artyom Trishkin:


И? What is it? Judging by your deductions, am I burning with black envy?


Artyom, there's a trick in dialogues -- when discussing a problem -- one of the participants says as an argument: "Stop envying", "Don't be jealous", etc.

What does it do? It elevates the "Don't Envy" speaker above everyone else. Because those to whom the phrase is thrown + those who are just reading -- begin to justify themselves, defend themselves, complex themselves.

I.e. such passages banally solve the issues of the inferiority complex of their speaker.

Cheap trick, but very effective.

p.s. You as a moderator can stop any crap on the forums with that trick. Because if you throw a successful "Do not be jealous", then the participants in the dialogue + readers stupidly go to his own digs.

You can also say "Don't be jealous" just float for solving their psychological problems at the expense of the community.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Artyom, there's a trick in dialogues -- when discussing a problem, one of the participants says, as an argument, "Stop being jealous," "Don't be jealous," etc.

What does it do? It elevates the "Don't Envy" speaker above everyone else. Because those to whom the phrase is thrown + those who just read it -- begin to justify themselves, defend themselves, complex themselves.

I.e. such passages banally solve the issues of the inferiority complex of their speaker.

It is a cheap trick, but very effective.

p.s. You as a moderator can stop any shit on forums with such a trick. Because if you successfully drop "Do not be jealous," then the dialogue participants + readers stupidly go to his own digs.
Why use some strange psychological techniques?

It seems as if this thread was specially created to advertise the signal.

And the participants of this topic do it skillfully.

For completeness, not only moderators but also administrators can get involved.

And in the same way you can go to the discussion of products from the market.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

-- when some problem is discussed --one of the participants says, as an argument, "Stop envying," "Don't be jealous," etc.

I just told you the method of defining envy, what is envy and what is not envy. And not as an argument.

And what is the problem here?

Artyom Trishkin:
Why use some strange psychological tricks?

So I explained -- it's a form of self-affirmation and self-positioning in the dialogue, in the community.

The form is simple and very effective.

Think about it, in this thread there is a discussion about the signal, even if it is a super-profitable signal. The discussion includes approval of the signal and provider, criticism, etc. You can discuss it in a constructive and reasoned way. Or you can say, "Stop being jealous of the ISP. What happens after you say that? That's right. A reaction like you had, "I'm not jealous, what makes you think that? I'm good." Those who wanted to be constructive will hold back for now: "I'm not gonna write anything. They'll think I'm jealous."

As a result, the dialogue is driven "under the bench," the participants are some depressed, some backed off -- and the one who threw the "Stop envying" vampire.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

So I explained -- it's a form of self-affirmation and self-positioning in dialogue, in the community.

The form is simple and very effective.

Think about it, in this thread there is a discussion about the signal, even if it is a super-profitable signal. The discussion includes approval of the signal and provider, criticism, etc. You can discuss it in a constructive and reasoned way. Or you can say, "Stop being jealous of the ISP. What happens after you say that? That's right. A reaction like you had, "I'm not jealous, what makes you think that? I'm good." Those who wanted to be constructive will hold back for now: "I'm not gonna write anything. They'll think I'm jealous."

In the end, the dialogue is driven "under the bench," some participants are depressed, some back off -- and the one who threw the "Stop Envying" vampire.


I pointed out to the man that he was simply wrong in his judgments. And it is not in my principles to use such obscure methods. I always have my own point of view, and if someone is talking nonsense, that's what I told him - "Nonsense.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

It seems as if this thread was specially created to advertise the signal.

And the participants of this topic do it skillfully.

For completeness, not only moderators but also administrators can get involved.

And in the same way you can go to the discussion of products from the market.

This is how it is. At least, I didn't have a shadow of a doubt about the purpose of this thread.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Just think about it, there is a discussion of the signal in this thread.

Not bullshit, just why do you have so many claims to the signal to which you have nothing to do?