1200 subscribers!!! - page 13


There are service slippage statistics, which are maintained by the developers and which are available to everyone. For example, slippage of 1 point on EURUSD = 0.00010 - 10 five-digit pips.

If the Provider opens a position with such slippage and closes it with a profit of 20 points, the Subscriber will gain 0 points (10 points at the opening and the same amount at the closing).

Why do you think that 1 pip is 10 pips in 5 digits? A pip is counted by the last digit.

You got it wrong 10 times and built your wrong conclusions on that.

Renat Fatkhullin:

Why do you think that 1 point is 10 points in 5 characters?

Because there is no information about it anywhere.

A point is counted by the last digit.

You are 10 times wrong and draw wrong conclusions from it.

Wrong - great! So, the MO should be 11 pips + commission of the subscriber's broker, which is about 40 pips. Not little, but not as much as I said.

Because there is no information about it anywhere.

Wrong - great! So the MO should be 11 pips + the commission of the subscriber's broker - that's somewhere around 40 pips. Not little, but not as prohibitive as I said.

And there's also a 4-fold jump after 10 times.

Most brokers (over 90%) have zero commission. So, the trader needs the MO from 1.0-1.5 spread to be in profit. And no "horror-horror-horror", as some tried to imagine.

Renat Fatkhullin:

And also a jump of 4 times after 10 times.

The vast majority of brokers (from 90%) have zero commission. So the subscriber needs MO from 1.0-1.5 spread to be in the black. And no "horror-horror-horror" as some tried to present.

I took ECN-brokers where mostly these subscribers keep their money with the average $5 000. I did not consider the kitchens - everything is really fine there.
I took ECN brokers, which is basically where these subscribers keep their money with their average $5,000. I didn't look at the kitchens - everything is really fine there.

1. was wrong by a factor of 10 initially.

2. Only looked at ECN.

3. Made a far-reaching and erroneous conclusion about everyone. Especially monstrous were the statements about the necessary hundreds of pips to break even.

The commission at an ECN broker is compensated by a lower spread, so the situation with the final cost per trade in copying is more than decent.
Renat Fatkhullin:
Renat, do you see the crowd problem? Subscribers choose a signal with a large number of subscribers. How will you solve this non-competitive phenomenon?
Marat Khabiev:
Renat, do you see a problem with the crowd? Subscribers choose a signal with a large number of subscribers. How will you solve this non-competitive phenomenon?

I don't see the problem.

It is legitimate, it is repeated millions of times in usual life and you cannot change the situation. This is the reality of capitalism and behavioral psychology.

Renat Fatkhullin:

I don't see the problem.

It is logical, it is repeated millions of times in normal life and the situation cannot be changed. Such is the reality of capitalism.

Well, you see that the service is 53% working only for the first 5 providers sorted by the number of subscribers. Maybe you should turn off the other providers right away. And you, Renat, are the creator of the rules of capitalism. In the world of capitalism we fight monopoly by creating a competitive environment.

Subscriber statistics (January 15, 2017):
Total number of subscribers: >3352
Number of subscribers to the first provider by total subscribers: 1135 (33.86% of total subscribers).

Number of subscribers to the first five providers by total subscribers: 1,781 (53.13% of the total number of subscribers).

This is not a healthy situation, Renat. It's not that someone has 1200 subscribers; it's that others don't have 1200 subscribers at all.

Marat Khabiev:

Well, you see that the service is 53% working only for the first 5 providers sorted by the number of subscribers. Maybe you should turn off the other providers right away. And the rules of capitalism are created by you, Renat. In the world of capitalism we fight monopoly by creating a competitive environment.

Subscriber statistics (January 15, 2017):
Total number of subscribers: >3352
Number of subscribers to the first provider by total subscribers: 1135 (33.86% of total subscribers).

Number of subscribers to the first five providers by total subscribers: 1,781 (53.13% of the total number of subscribers).

This is not a healthy situation, Renat. It's not that someone has 1,200 subscribers, but that others don't have the ability to have 1,200 subscribers at all.

You are talking nonsense and are tired of your attempts and complaints to equalize what cannot be equalized.

1. There is no monopoly.

2. All have equal opportunities and all the data is available.

3) Traders make their own choice.

Renat Fatkhullin:

1. was 10 times wrong in the first place.

Acknowledged, voiced the reason.

2. They only looked at ECN.

I have voiced the reason - people keep almost $6 million relatively large amounts of money either on ECN or on STP. According to your statistics it is Pepper, ECN which is popular among the subscribers.

3. You have made a far-reaching and erroneous conclusion about everyone. The statements about the hundreds of points necessary to repay their costs looked especially monstrous.

Well, the terminology of the point you apply, as you have decided. A pip on EURUSD = 0.0001 on all other platforms. That's why I applied the term pips.
The ECN broker's commission is compensated by lower spread, so the situation with the total transaction costs in ECN copying is more than decent.

And here is a demonstration of misunderstanding. The subscriber can even have a negative spread, but if there is slippage, it means that the execution prices are worse than those of the provider.

The slippage is the difference in price between the Provider's price and the Provider's one. Therefore, the spread has nothing to do with it.

So, there is no slippage in corrected calculations.