"New Neural" is an Open Source neural network engine project for the MetaTrader 5 platform. - page 93


What secret knowledge and what kind of teaching are we talking about? )) you gentlemen are simply insane.

The situation at the 4th forum was a kindergarten for information component. They just assembled a handful of people who are far from trading and, inspired by gambling, out of lack of money, decided to defeat Forex at any cost, who by mathematical, and who by physical and even spiritual means. We can call it the Stone Age of Forex trading in Russia.

Without knowing the statistics on the "traders" or the specifics of the infrastructure, nothing.

it is the same with the ML library. No one understands what it is for, how to use it afterwards (from experience with the "coryphaei").


The only rudiments of a ML mind were observed in Reshetov at that time, as far as I have been able to read the archives. And those were the very rudiments.

and the distant past always seems beautiful, because of the perception

The thread is excellent. Haven't finished reading it yet. Very interesting.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Why is it futile? You could also argue that arithmetic is futile because of the size and heaviness of the arithmometer.

If you make such a library, that you could plug it into any project in 5 seconds, without thinking. The problem is that nobody wants to think this library through, or even imagines that it is possible. Everyone is basically trying to solve a particular problem at the cost of incredible complexity.

No, it's not the "gravity of the arithmometer" that's the problem, it's the other thing, the understanding of what machine learning is at its core. Actually it is the same for indicators with optimization and the same for primitive MO, for example among professional quantum traders nobody is looking for an "ideal indicator", we have enough of well-known Momentum, Dispersion, SMA\EMA (carefully read An introduction to high-frequency finance by Dacorogna), we do not need any "Juric" and 10000 bullshit from Kodobase, we don't even need to look, because we have UNDERSTANDING. Same with MO, anyone who "knows how to cook it" knows that very few algorithms are enough, which a proff coder can write in a month by himself. And the rest are "for sale" for those who are engaged in guessing, without understanding what for, or even "from another field", for pictures/videos/NLP.

I don't need "such a library" for professionals, and it's very difficult for beginners, even in python MO-library is too much for a beginner, and in mql5 which is almost C++ it's just too hard.


No, it's not the "gravity of the arithmometer" that's the problem, it's the other thing, the understanding of what machine learning is in its essence. In fact it is the same for indicators with optimization, by the way, as a type of primitive MO too, for example in the environment of professional quanta nobody is looking for "an ideal indicator", there is enough of well-known Momentum (return), dispersion, SMA\EMA (carefully read "An introduction to high-frequency finance" by Dacorogna), no need in any "Juric" and 10000 crap from Kodobase, one does not even need to look, because there is UNDERSTANDING. Same with MO, anyone who "knows how to cook it" knows that very few algorithms are enough, which a proff coder can write in a month by himself. And the rest are "for sale" for those who are engaged in guessing, without understanding what for, or even "from another field", for pictures/videos/NLP.

I don't need "such a library" for professionals, and it's very difficult for beginners, even in python MO-library is too much for a beginner, and in mql5 which is almost C++ it's just too hard.

What a nice word, Mikhalych.

Even Andrey, who invented the subject, confessed that he had a simple neural network and genetics. That is all. And the other "secret" components lie in another area of understanding

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

What secret knowledge and what kind of teaching are we talking about? )) you gentlemen are simply insane.

The situation at the 4th forum was a kindergarten for information component. They just assembled a handful of people who are far from trading and, inspired by gambling, out of lack of money, decided to defeat Forex at any cost, who by mathematical, and who by physical and even spiritual means. We can call it the Stone Age of Forex trading in Russia.

Without knowing the statistics on the "traders" or the specifics of the infrastructure, nothing.

it is the same with the ML library. No one understands what it is for, how to use it (from experience with the "coryphaei").

This is it!

If Reshetov is your idol, there is nothing to talk about. There is three kopecks worth of intelligence, three rubles worth of conceit and 3 tons of incessant hysterics.

Despite their lack of knowledge, people were able to get together in groups and do productive work, unlike what is happening here now.


Yes and really interesting, what secret knowledge and what teaching are we talking about? Definitely schizo, definitely!


And I don't remember you, Maxim, from the 4th forum. You must have appeared on it together with the appearance of the 5th forum. So you don't have the faintest idea how it was there.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

This is it!

If Reshetov is your idol, there's nothing to talk about. There's three cents worth of intelligence, three rubles worth of conceit and three tons of incessant tantrums.

Despite the lack of knowledge, people were able to get together in groups and do productive work, unlike what is happening here now.

What has the idol got to do with it. He was simply appealing for understanding and sanity. There's a lot of intelligence out there, because writing your own separate ML program, a three-penny can't do it.

Now what... there's alglib. There is a neural network and forest and regression. Do you need anything else? I agree, the neural network's a bit overthinking. But the forest is fine. It's up for debate, but nobody wants it. That's why no one even knows how to use it.

Dmitry Fedoseev:


I do wonder, what secret knowledge and teaching are we talking about? Definitely schizo, definitely!


I don't remember you, Maxim, from the 4th forum. You must have appeared on it together with the appearance of the 5th forum. So you don't have the slightest idea about how it was there.

I mean what you wrote "share your knowledge" what knowledge? there are plenty of books and articles on MoD. What other knowledge could there be?

I wasn't even there, I was just reading old posts, there were all sorts of Privals, scientist philosophers and someone else

You two are very funny to read, carry on ))
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Good words, Mikhalych.

Even Andrei himself, who came up with the topic, admitted that he has a simple neural network and genetics. That is all. And the other "secret" components lie in another area of understanding.

The only carrier of which is exclusively you and no one else?