"New Neural" is an Open Source neural network engine project for the MetaTrader 5 platform. - page 55

I've done a little bit of that.
For now, time out, I need to think about it.
For now, time out, I need to think it over.
Go ahead. Ignore the multiple inheritance, I'll fix it later.

Does MQL5 already support multiple inheritance?

Or are you just going by the habit of C++?

class IBasicNet
   : public IEvolvable
   , public ISerializable

I don't want to nitpick, but it's possible to do it with a matrix.


Preparing access to projects in the repository:

  • Rights management through the website
  • each project has an owner who manages the rights
  • The projects will be closed or open (the owner decides)
  • Any user can apply for a project, the owner confirms the rights (read/write)

In parallel, work is underway to integrate direct access to the repository via the code editor.


When will you be able to give at least an API for the GPU, let it emulate the work for now on the CPU, but that the functionality was available.

It would be desirable to lay down these possibilities at once. Since the possibilities are quite specific, this criterion will separate a lot of variants of construction.


When will you be able to give at least an API for the GPU, albeit an emulation of the work so far on the CPU, but that the functionality would be available.

It would be desirable to lay down these possibilities right away. Since the possibilities are quite specific, this criterion will separate a lot of construction options.

We are planning to add functions for working with OpenCL to MQL5.
In fact, you will be able to use the functions of OpenCL.dll library directly, without the need to connect third-party DLLs.
We are planning to add functions for working with OpenCL to MQL5.
You will, in fact, be able to use the functions of OpenCL.dll library directly, without having to connect third-party DLLs.
We are aware of the fact that you are planning this (it was announced). The question is, when this event is planned?

Preparing access to projects in the repository:

These are cool.
We are planning to add to MQL5 functions for working with OpenCL.
Nikolai would like to have a look at the headings of these functions. Will they be much different from the long ones? Are they truncated?
The enumerated is cool.
That's what Nicholas wants to look at the headers of these functions. Will they be much different from the long ones? Are they trimmed?

Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to know.

to mql5

SZY the main concern now is whether the data will need to be copied into special processor arrays or will it be supported to pass an array as a parameter in a normal function. This question may fundamentally change the entire project.

ZZZY can you answer the plans to just give OpenCL API, or are you planning to wrap it in your wrappers?


Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to know.

to mql5

SZY the main concern now is whether the data will need to be copied into special processor arrays or will it be supported to pass an array as a parameter in a normal function. This question may fundamentally change the entire project.

ZZY can you answer in your plans to just give the OpenCL API, or are you planning to wrap it in your own wrappers?

1) If you mean GPU memory, yes, there will be special functions to copy user arrays (in/out).
2) There will be a wrapper, only HW GPUs will be supported (with OpenCL 1.1 support).
Multiple GPUs will be selected only through the terminal settings.
OpenCL will be used synchronously.