Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 3621

mytarmailS #:

1) try different MOs (e.g. in my competition wooden MOs didn't work at all, only functional MOs worked: SVM, neuronics, ruler).

2) do not submit all features in a pile, but look for the best subset of features, in practice up to 3-7 pieces can be used.

you can get 0.8 on 1000 features and 0.1 on 5 features.

I selected the features. On different amounts of data it selects different ones, plus the importance of different combinations floats. So everything is rubbish :)

I did recursive selection, it doesn't find it either.
The error does not fall on the shaft. As if there are no links in the dataset. But there should be :)

This is exactly the situation of desperation, when people start torturing kozul.
Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
I selected the features. On different amounts of data it selects different ones, plus with different combinations the importance floats. So it's all rubbish :)

I did recursive selection, it doesn't find it either.
The error does not fall on the shaft.

Try bootstrap

mytarmailS #:

try bootstrap.

Then I may accidentally get into validation, but I won't be able to enter the test.
Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
I've been picking out the signs.

Try the rules from the wooden MO to pick the best ones, like I did a long time ago, remember?

mytarmailS #:

Try the rules from the wooden MO to pick the best ones, like I did a long time ago, remember?

I remember something like that. Let's see, closer to the weekend I'll be in for 24 hours again, I'll check a lot of things. Maybe I'll have an epiphany

The same features do not make sense to take from the ceiling, because there are specialised algorithms:

1. Frequent Subgraph Mining (Frequent Subgraph Mining):

These algorithms look for subgraphs that occur frequently in a set of graphs. Popular algorithms include:

- gSpan

- FSG (Frequent Subgraph Discovery)

- FFSM (Fast Frequent Subgraph Mining).

2. Graph Similarity Search (Graph Similarity Search):

These methods search for graphs that are similar to each other in a set. Various graph similarity measures are used such as:

- Editorial distance of graphs

- Maximum common subgraph isomorphic correspondence

- Nuclear methods for graphs

3- Anomaly Detection in graphs:

These algorithms look for unusual or anomalous structures in a set of graphs:

- Density based algorithms

- Random walk based methods

- Spectral methods

4. Classification and clustering of graphs:

These methods group similar graphs or classify them into given categories:

- Graph kernels

- Graph neural networks

- Spectral clustering of graphs

5. Motif detection in graphs:

These algorithms look for recurring structural patterns (motifs) in graphs:


- NeMoFinder


6. Analysis of graph evolution:

These methods study how graphs change over time:

- Algorithms for detecting changes in dynamic graphs

- Predicting graph evolution

Are these libraries real libraries, or are they the hallucinations of a thug?
mytarmailS #:
Are these libraries real or are they the hallucinations of a bunch of hooligans?

They're real, I' ve used them

Prado uses them in their examples. I don't know about the others.

Software for Complex Networks#
Software for Complex Networks# Release Date NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. It provides: With NetworkX you can load and store networks in standard and nonstandard data formats, generate many types of random and classic networks, analyze network...

These are the graphs in his dataset

Only with the difference that they have two nodes X and Y and intermediate nodes

DAG - Topological Layout#
DAG - Topological Layout# This example combines the generator with to show how to visualize a DAG in topologically-sorted order. Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.107 seconds)
There are also graph neurons, often based on convolutional layers. I was teaching one like this yesterday.