Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 229


All of the codes above are remakes of Reshetov's work, about which there were disputes 100500 years ago - whether it is NS or so, homemade crap.

The almost complete absence of such Expert Advisors in the Market is an extra proof of that.

so there are no examples of ns on µl in the publishers.

I see. This technology is simply absent in MQL. However, this is not a reason not to believe that it can be created.

And about "bicycles" usually say lazy people who want "all ready to go".

Tag Konow:

I see. This technology simply does not exist in MQL. However, this is not a reason not to believe that it can be created.

And about "bicycles" usually say lazy people who want "all ready to go".

You have an idea, you need to check it in 5 minutes (a day or a week). And it's unclear whether your idea is viable or already stillborn. What option would you choose - to use a ready-made package, which can be handled by a student in 5 minutes, or write a complete infrastructure again yourself? if the second option, then this is sadomasochism, and normal people will not go with you))
You answered a couple of pages ago - you have an idea, you need to check it in 5 minutes (a day, a week). and you do not know - your idea is viable or originally stillborn. what option you choose - use a ready-made package, which a student can figure out in 5 minutes, or write a complete infrastructure again yourself? if the second option, then it is sadomasochism, and normal people with you not the way))
Thank you, your point of view is clear to me. Just do not argue for all normal people.
Tag Konow:
Thank you, your point of view is clear to me. Just do not argue for all normal people.

You will spend 2 weeks or more of your time to try to do something, or you won't get it done and will break down, or you won't get any results. Both are equally likely))) You could have used a ready-made solution.

If you were given a hard task - tomorrow the result in the form of profit, you would not even have a thought to write something of your own.

Who writes their own engines for websites and how much does it cost? no one needs it, if you are not a corporation. even government agencies in the u.s. do on Jumla and similar engines sites, and no one hesitates to use others' developments and their ego is not sticking out ahead-we will go our own way.

Any pro value their time, and any person, too, and write samodelkinu crap will be either out of interest in their spare time, or if the bike he lacks a bell, for example.


You will spend 2 weeks or more of your time to try to do something, or you won't finish and will break down, or you won't get any results. both are equally likely)))) but you could have used a ready-made solution. but like, a scooter written by yourself is always closer to your body and boosts your own ego than a bike you built and invented long ago.

If you were given a hard task - tomorrow the result in the form of profit, you would not even have a thought to write something of your own.

Even government agencies in the u.s. are doing sites on Joomla and similar engines, and no one hesitates to use other people's work and their egos are not sticking out in front-we will go our own way.

Any pro value their time, and any person, too, and write self-made crap will be either out of interest in their spare time, or if the bike he lacks a bell, for example.

You know, here I get a 1000 - y lines of code, 2 weeks of work, and I want to laugh)))) I work and program at least 8 hours a day for the last 3 years, almost no days off. I don't know how many lines of code I have already written, but 2 weeks of work is just ridiculous. I've been doing the interface alone for almost 2 years (more than 8 hours a day I have to work.)
- Доктоp, когда я кончиком языка дотpагиваюсь до комочка фольги, в
котоpой до этого пекли каpтошкy, y меня покалывает за yхом. Что это
- Что y вас слишком много свободного вpемени!
Vladimir Perervenko:

To all those who really study MoD.

Please do not get into useless discussions with people who do not know and do not want to know this area of knowledge. "Pioneers" who declare: "Show me, prove.... And then maybe I'll start learning" on this forum, the sea of people. Without having the slightest idea about the subject they with adolescent maximalism will criticize and prove its uselessness. It is not possible and do not need to convince people in the importance and necessity of any knowledge, if they have not matured to them.

This discussion is not only useless, it is harmful. You feed their egos, elevate their criticism, and encourage them to make more garbage statements. We can't ban irrelevant, stupid posts, but we can and should ignore them.

Good luck

I started several threads on the fourth forum a few years ago where I posted results of econometrics calculations. At the time of the opening of the threads, a search for the word "econometrics" gave zero results, but the subject aroused undoubted interest. Moreover, it turned out that there are several people on the forum who use econometric models in practice.

Then each of the open threads with a dull monotony began to develop in a different direction: there was always a certain group of ignoramuses, whose purpose of presence on the branch was not to try to learn something for free, and the goal was to strangle the branch with a stream of flooding, turning into trolling. Moreover, to defend against this kind of audience is extremely difficult, because first they pretend to want to learn something and with those who want to learn formulate very reasonable questions. Then they start to challenge the idea itself, and then they write that econometrics is a pseudo-science and always end up with one thing: this is a forum on MQL. In the end they always end up with the same thing: this is a forum for MQL. It is impossible to explain anything, because behind this supposedly fanatical adoration of MQL there is just freelancing with ghostly dough.

In the end these very people were the winners: the thread got exorbitantly huge and worthwhile thoughts drowned in mountains of garbage.

This is why I stopped opening branches.

The same fate befell this branch. The strangulation scheme used on my branches was applied here as well.

Does Burnakov still want to open another branch and see some characters on it again? .... we'll see.

The following mechanism, as it seems to me ideal, can be a protection against this kind of public.

For today, any forum member has the right to open a thread. It would be desirable to add the right to moderate his thread to the author of the topic. This right can be granted to the author only after his appeal, ie, should remain the current opportunities. Moreover, the right to moderate should be provided by admins (moderators) of the forum and applies to a particular branch, i.e. the right to moderate a branch should be selective and apply to a particular branch and the author, rather than to all in a row and not to all topics.

As a result, the author of the branch would be able to form some semblance of a scientific and technical team article. At the same time, the author of the branch would be better able to see what is relevant to the topic and what is not. For example, we open a branch on random forests. The author of the thread, without discussion or justification, decides by himself: either to remove everything that is not related to the random forests, or allow any other models.


Well, why are there individual enthusiasts who are rewriting the bicycle on the μl?

By the way, recently someone asked for a simple example with NS, and for some reason no one remembered Reshetov's old project. By the way,Reshetov himself,as I understand it,is not at all on µl developing his project now.

Thank you very much, this is what the doctor ordered! Short and to the point! All of the MO in 10 lines! Pantural is pleased, Pantural thanks you! Yo hai, kamon!

double perceptron() 
   double w1 = x1 - 100;
   double w2 = x2 - 100;
   double w3 = x3 - 100;
   double w4 = x4 - 100;
   double a1 = iAC(Symbol(), 00);
   double a2 = iAC(Symbol(), 07);
   double a3 = iAC(Symbol(), 014);
   double a4 = iAC(Symbol(), 021);
   return(w1 * a1 + w2 * a2 + w3 * a3 + w4 * a4);
SanSanych Fomenko:

No one is strangling this thread. At least not me. I'll post my concept, and then discuss what you want.
I need an example in mql5, price as input, machine learning inside, trade order as output. The code should be short and without external libraries, the simplest version.

And following question, if anyone has an example code, like this, where I can easily understand how to implement the algorithm of Back Propagation, or something similar, where the network corrects the input parameters depending on previous decisions?

Not R.