Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1837

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Are you a fool or are you pretending? No seriously???

There is a delta, volume and OM which form the future value of the asset and do not fuck with my head with your fantasies, I beg you !!!!!!

Moreover, we agreed that we will continue the discussion after you watch the above video ... But apparently you ignored that too.... Sadness...

there are specific factors = OM that shape the future value of an asset

Did you misunderstand something? both delta and volume form past data (auto fucking regression) and present data.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

there are specific factors = OIs that shape the future value of an asset

Did I misunderstand something? Both delta and volume form past data (auto fucking regression) and present data.

Once again, watch the above video. What the fuck... past. ? Current no less....

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Once again, watch the above video. What the fuck... past. ? Current ones no less....

What are derivatives for and do they make sense? In the beginning there was, now there isn't. Secondary instruments overload the market and create risks beyond what is acceptable. And history confirms it)

The lecture is good, but I do not agree with its conclusions.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Why do we need derivatives and do they make sense? In the beginning there was, now there isn't. Secondary instruments overload the market and create risks beyond what is acceptable. And history confirms it.)

The lecture is good, but I don't agree with its conclusions.

I only agree that the value of the asset is the MA, and the profit from it is the SB. Here is a good point))))

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

I only agree that the value of the asset is MA, and the profit from it is SB. Here is a good point))))

I meant different markets that have a certain influence on each other in a certain sequence. And there is no need to invent a wilosypend, but to look at the market soberly. Without any fantasies. And use in the TS exactly what you need, not what you want...
Yze stsroe
Tatiana Mazhar:
Yze stsroe
Ja ploho govorit po RUSSKI

There's a good article on the hubra

How to understand that a neural network will solve your problem. A pragmatic guide

theoretical questions came up, is it possible to train NS:

1. as a random sequence generator - analog of rand() function

2. as a function to convert ulong to datetime , i.e. at the input we give a number of ulong at the output we get year/month/day/hour/minute (with a given accuracy)


I'm duplicating the video here, just in case anyone would be interested. And I am local in this branch, so what the hell... Maybe some magician there will want to argue, etc.. :-)

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Обобщающие алгоритмы не имеют ничего общего с интеллектом

Solving one problem creates another)

Яндекс. Дзен?! К суду!!
Яндекс. Дзен?! К суду!!
  • 2020.06.19
  • sapojnik
Устыдился я что-то. То все ругаю народ за его роль безропотных терпил - а сам тоже в основном жалуюсь на произвол, да этим и ограничиваюсь. С одной стороны, это как бы хорошо - доказывает, что я плоть от плоти своего народа; но, с другой стороны, попахивает апатией и всепрощенчеством - а это, конечно, не наш метод. Вот давеча в очередной статье...