Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1701


That's exactly the question.

Okay I will not torture you, the point is that you confuse artificial intelligence with artificial intelligence.

Intellect is just a tool to solve a problem, it's part of the mind, but it's not the only part.

Artificial Intelligence has been around for a long time, but it's not what you think as you have the wrong concept of intelligence and hence the wrong concept of AI

Intelligence is an intelligence with self-awareness and morality. It is possible to consider AI narrowly, as a multifunctional program. Like an OS. But AI is more than an OS.

Already identified.

read me, there are pages 4-5

I read those pages and left an opinion there.
Okay. AI is an artificial system that satisfies the requirements of a certain sphere of interaction with humans and does not limit it by a rigid framework of algorithms. It gives freedom of "communication" and the right result.
Tag Konow:
Intelligence, is an intelligence with self-awareness and morality. You can think of AI narrowly as a multifunctional program. Like, an OS. But, AI is more than an OS.

The mind is not the intellect, the intellect is part of the mind.

Why complicate things that are already complicated?

Konow's tag:
Okay. AI is an artificial system that satisfies the requirements of a certain sphere of interaction with humans and does not limit it by a rigid framework of algorithms. It gives freedom of "communication" and the right result.

What is an artificial system?

What is an artificial system that meets the requirements of what?

some sphere of interaction - what kind of interaction?


Why bother with some ridiculous definition, if there is a clear definition which nobody can argue because it is true, why not just accept it and use it and move on?

Okay. AI is an artificial system which satisfies the requirements of a certain sphere of interaction with humans and does not limit it by a rigid framework of algorithms. Giving the freedom of "communication" and the right result.
You need to strictly distinguish between a neural network and an AI system. They are slightly different things... In general NS can find hidden patterns and find a unique law working at the moment on the market and the more unique the law, the longer it lives. IMHO
One of the main properties of AI is the "flexibility" of interaction with humans. Unlike a program, AI is much more interactive because it offers a "comfortable" experience with itself, without imposing a rigid protocol.
Mihail Marchukajtes:
This means that when a one appears, the input variable is rubbed near some value, say 100. As soon as the "1" appears in the output variable, the input variable is around 100. Thus, we start forming levels on the history that the input variable reaches more often when "1" appears in the target variable and those that reach their levels more often are the ones that are higher. After all, we have a target with a look into the future. And if the input has come to 100, you can expect "1", which we will learn about only at the next signal. So it's like this....

If we were talking about regression, it would be clearer-perhaps that's how it should be perceived.

Mihail Marchukajtes:
There is a strict distinction between a neural network and an AI system. These are a bit different things. In general, NS is able to reveal latent regularities and find a unique law active in the market at a given moment and the more unique the law is, the longer it lives. IMHO
I agree. NS is rather a component of AI, like a screw or a nut in a car.
Konow's Retrograde:
One of the main features of AI is the "flexibility" of interaction with humans. Unlike a program, AI is much more interactive in its interactions. It offers a "comfortable" experience with itself, without imposing a rigid protocol.
Another of your mistakes as a beginner. The NS is very demanding to the training sample and is a rather subtle tool, where a minor error in data preparation (a comma in the wrong place) leads to a diametric result. Try to make less of your own conclusions, and better listen to what you are told.
Retag Konow:
One of the main properties of AI is the "flexibility" of interaction with humans. Unlike a program, AI is much more interactive because it offers a "comfortable" experience with itself, without imposing a rigid protocol.

Does the AI even have to interact with humans?

Karoch I'm getting tired of these meaningless conversations.

There was a clear definition of intelligence, if you want use it or invent an inarticulate unworkable bicycle