Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1684


come on)

Man's mind is in his brain.

Where's the planet's?

How can we feel it?

And why a planet?

Why not space?

Why not a rock?

You're in over your head, my dear.

Problems with understanding irony? Then let me explain - claiming the presence of (possible) intelligence in what is now called AI is roughly equivocal to claiming the presence of intelligence in a planet) Both are a matter of faith.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

This is an incorrect assumption, as evidenced by the cases of real Mowgli children. All other claims are just as "provable".

Those mowgli don't think? Hahahahahah))

Those monkeys don't think? What about rats? What about dolphins?

Or is your mental activity when you can solve differential equations?

the case of mowgli is the imprint of the environment on the subject (to be with wolves to howl like wolves) no more


Your constant phrase about mush in your head suggests that you hear it a lot in your address) and the reason for that is becoming more and more obvious)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Problems with understanding irony? Then let me explain - the statement about the presence of (possible) intelligence in what is now called AI is approximately equivocal to the statement about the presence of intelligence in the planet) Both are a matter of faith.

Well yes, I did not understand the irony, I think no one did


Those mowgli don't think? Hahahaha)))

Those monkeys don't think? What about rats? What about dolphins?

Or is your mental activity when you can solve differential equations?

the case of mowgli is the imprint of the environment on the subject (to be with wolves as wolves howl) no more?

Read at least wikipedia about thinking.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Your constant saying about mush in your head suggests that you hear it a lot in your address) and the reason for that is becoming more and more obvious)

Ahaha, here comes the finale ...

You have a burning desire to speak out in topics in which you are not competent, and when you argue, chewed up prove your wrong you immediately skip to another topic

That's how it was with price - when I argued that price is a digital signal, and now when I argued that self-consciousness is a product of the intellect, and not part of it. You see that, you realize you screwed up, and you just stupidly jump to another topic, or you turn it into an absurdity.

And when you are already cornered you start making absolutely stupid jokes like "you're a fool", such as the phrase "Porridge in the head." It was then, so it is now.... Ahh, maybe you should admit that porridge in the head and become wiser?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Repetition is the mother of torment

You'd better write a reel. Why did you buy a camera?
To be honest, I'm afraid. Self-isolation has not canceled, and for completeness of thought I want to record in the park. But I think they'll take me for the helmets and give me a fine. One way or another, the snow will melt, the weather will be quiet and I'll record for sure.

Ahahaha, here comes the finale ...

You have a burning desire to express yourself in topics in which you are not competent, and when you have been argued, chewed up to prove your wrongness you immediately jump to another topic

That's how it was with price - when I argued that price is a digital signal, and now when I argued that self-consciousness is the result of the intellect, and not part of it. You see that, you realize you screwed up, and you just stupidly jump to another topic, or you turn it into an absurdity.

And when you are backed into a corner you start making absolutely stupid jokes like "you're a fool", such as the phrase "Porridge in the head") It was then, so it is now .... ehhh, maybe still admit that porridge in the head and become wiser? No way.

About the digital signal "final" was a great joke about the SB as a digital signal).

It's even funnier about intelligence. Scientists suffer, invent all sorts of "Turing tests", "Chinese rooms" and so on) And then a "boot" came and explained them how it's really like) All around algorithms, and he is a Dartan, just great)

You are a common example of the Dunning-Krueger effect, i.e. you are so ignorant that you are incapable of even realizing the extent of your ignorance.


Ahahaha, here comes the finale ...

You have a burning desire to express yourself in topics in which you are not competent, and when you have been argued, chewed up to prove your wrongness you immediately jump to another topic

That's how it was with price - when I argued that price is a digital signal, and now when I argued that self-consciousness is a product of the intellect, and not part of it. You see that, you realize you screwed up, and you just stupidly jump to another topic, or you turn it into an absurdity.

And when you are already cornered, you start making absolutely stupid jokes like "you're a fool", such as the phrase "porridge in the head") It was then, so it is now.... ehhh, maybe still admit that porridge in the head, and become wiser? No way.

Maybe it's better to talk about the MO in trading, and how and where the concept of AI in MO ends and how it differs from the conventional ones. Like an algorithm can be called with intelligence only in case of its development, the ways of which are not initially provided by the algorithm)))) But then any neural network or in general, a complex algorithm, which also adds its own code in the process of work, for example, adds classes and changes methods))) or devices with feedback on the methods of multi-level work)))) exactly by this definition have intelligence. artificial. And this is not a common understanding at all. But in DOD and GA, it's not generally needed.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

But then any neural network or in general, a complex algorithm that also adds code itself in the process of work, for example, adds classes and changes methods))) or devices with feedback on the methods of multi-level work)))) exactly by this definition have intelligence. artificial.

Hmm, interesting. it turns out that it is

For a human, intelligence is an algorithm for thinking, it is not intelligence

The brain gives the goal of thinking, the intellect (algorithm) solves it

It's the same with IO.

A human sets a goal (target function or fitness function)

The algorithm (MO) solves it. In this case, the intelligence is the MO