Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2471


That's what I'm saying - you've got the wrong platform... We're not in trading here, we're in a forum... Go to the terminal and prove to yourself your conclusions from the lines of the text you've read - then there will be an appropriate platform for your desires

JeeyCi #:

That's what I'm saying - you've got the wrong platform... We're not in trading here, we're in a forum... (So, go to the terminal and prove to yourself your conclusions from the lines of text you've read - there will be an appropriate platform for your desires

) Thanks, but I know where to go.

This is a forum for programming and trading.

Evgeny Dyuka #:
This is a screenshot right now

I agree, mine is exactly the same

there should be no other trades there

JeeyCi #:

So it's back to you again.

- That's probably what motivates you to poke people... and not read their posts...? - I wrote 2 pages ago about modeling - have you proven the validity of your model? - at least to yourself and your wikipedia before you get hysterical about the Grail etc. with your education like that... - That's why you have such a truth ( -

If you still don't get it

- then you don't need to tear your throat out at me - conclude and live with your... - "stupid over 10 brokers"... - the civilized Research clearly isn't available to you -- not the first person sends you further than Wikipedia, and you still can't understand, that your yelling here is irrelevant - change your tone! And do not try to replace your argumentation with boorishness, aggression, hystericalness - make conclusions, according to which you can further promote your literacy, instead of being stuck on the forum and throwing yourself at people, that they lie, because you hammer nails with coffee machine...

-- I do not even know, when the ways will be found to clear a professional community from the people wandering into a theme by a bad mistake (either own, or nature) - that the professional dialogue at last could approach to civilized reasonable (from a word Homo Sapience) an exchange of opinions, instead of judging by one roaring throat, which tries to shout something without eyes, ears and brain, and especially the framework of decency ... "Arguments and Facts" - the fact that you don't know how to use market information is not a fact of interest to people exchanging opinions on Neural Networks et al. Machine Learning

Nice flow ...
It's easy to see what you're good at.)
Aleksey Nikolayev #:
You just need to find a broker with a price ahead of the OI (since they have a different one) and the grail is in your pocket.)

Or to take their linear combination and optimize the weights. In general, there is a place to turn around and break the back of forex)

Evgeny Dyuka #:

Thank you, this is the highest praise, if it is already perceived as an ordinary indicator, it means that everything has worked out.
I made the neural network and models more than a year ago and didn't go back to it, all the time was spent on "wrapping".
There is a potential to improve the quality of forecasts.

You are wasting your time on the wrong thing. You'd be better off earning it yourself this year. And after you have demonstrated your success, people will be glad to use your system even without any wrappers.

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

Or take their linear combination and optimize the weights. I've been working on this for a long time now, and I've been working on this for a long time.)

That's why you're studying Sentiment, thinking that it will move you something - the latest posts in the thread show that dreamers have joined Sentiment and are offended by moments when the market goes against them ...the market maker has already put everything into the Prices (and his own losses and his own profit and deficit of sweaters with reindeer in the market, etc.), but not into the sanction (the sanction simply created this deficit itself, having sold out all the sweaters with reindeer and not produced new ones)... the entire distribution of expectations of market participants is already there in the prices (trite, but "demand creates supply") ... from the math course you just need to remember what the derivative means (1st and 2nd) and understand why futures and options are called derivatives...


then remember again what goes with what and when...


Otherwise, yes - just statistics and stupid enumeration of weights - to a suitable probability (or rather interval)... - in this MatOxpected and MO (stupidly without understanding even microeconomics, much less macroeconomics)... - because some people here are intimidated by the many unread lines from which others have already formed both their base and that of Wikipedia and beyond... even the market

elibrarius #:

You're wasting your time on the wrong things. You'd be better off earning it yourself this year. And after demonstrating your success, people would be happy to use your system even without a wrap.

This is primitive single-cell trolling with clear goals and methods. People here are not as stupid as you think they are.
Andrei Trukhanovich #:


There is no fish in the sentiment directly, maybe only indirectly, for example if it changes a lot on a horizontal section of the price.

i like orders better but they are only for oanda which is not the biggest broker

I've found one very stable pattern but it appears once a week if i'm lucky

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
And it's even funnier to compare the sanction with some RSI and understand that it is the same

I did it, I made a comparison, I got the result, and I drew a conclusion. You laughed, but the knowledge has not increased.