Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2222


Anyway... I've done

did not train anything yet but visually, I do not see anything like that

psa is on the signs of a 5 comp

and with simulated data

train, experiment. As boredom - I'll throw up other topics

better if in the comments to the article will share the results

here everything gets lost

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Get out and come in beautifully 🤣🤣 Okay, you're funny, I'll come back later

Maximka you really think that there is no one to compete, in your treatment I see that you hint as if I am watching it again, no, I do not watch this thread, who will I be if there is someone who can check it,

I'd love to help you, but I'm not interested in MO yet.

this to about 2 years ago, something was a question don't remember exactly how it was, not to me personally, something like do it yourself only).

Vladimir Perervenko:

Everything has already been invented a long time ago! See package R - "automl"

Thanks, I looked through examples and did not see network training by fitness function, all examples with X and Y data, probably there is only possible to train weights by their own, not the target...

If I'm wrong, I would be very grateful for an example with network training for maximal profit...

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

It's better if you share the results in the comments to the article

It all gets lost here.

I'm not posting anything new.


So I do not put anything that new

Maybe you can pick up some other features, I do not have enough for everything

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Maybe you can pick up some other features, I don't have enough for everything

In the simulation, there are such nasties.

I think you can try to pick them up genetically, it's probably to replace your permanent sampling


In the simulation, there are these usrays

I think you can try to pick them up genetically, it would probably replace your constant sampling

Don't, it's for a priori initialization
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Did it shoot you in the + that you so shat that you turned off monitoring? 🤣🤣🤣 or did you run to get another one? This circus is hilarious 😄😄😄😄

It's too early for you, Mahimka, to go to the market. Practice telling the difference between cats and dogs by machine.

I already have, that's why I'm telling you. Otherwise you wouldn't have bothered to answer. Hee hee. Adieu. No answer. I'm not gonna read it.

Uladzimir Izerski:

It's too early for you, Mahimka, to go to the market. You have to practice to distinguish between cats and dogs.

I already have, that's why I'm answering you. Otherwise you wouldn't have bothered to answer. Hee hee. Adieu. No answer. I won't read it.

Vladimir, I do not support you at all, Maksimka is my dear fellow, I cannot support him in ME yet.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Don't, it's for a priori initialization


Did you teach it with psa or with the original one?



Did you teach it on the psa or the original?

I did better on the original.