Moving signals from one MQL account to another



I was setting up a separate MQL5 account for each signal I purchased.

Now I understand that the one MQL5 Community account can subscribe to multiple signals each with a different trading account. 

Is there a way to move signals from multiple MQL5 accounts to a single MQL5 account? 

or I have to wait for the subscriptions to lapse and then renew them using the common MQL account?



Carlo Minassian:


I was setting up a separate MQL5 account for each signal I purchased.

Now I understand that the one MQL5 Community account can subscribe to multiple signals each with a different trading account. 

Is there a way to move signals from multiple MQL5 accounts to a single MQL5 account? 

or I have to wait for the subscriptions to lapse and then renew them using the common MQL account?



You can't do that because you shouldn't have multiple MQL5 accounts in the first place.

You will have to wait for your subscriptions to expire in order to re-arrange them to a single MQL5 account.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

You can't do that because you shouldn't have multiple MQL5 accounts in the first place.

You will have to wait for your subscriptions to expire in order to re-arrange them to a single MQL5 account.Got it

Got it thank you. 

Rookie mistake.