Carlo Minassian
Carlo Minassian
Friends 2
Carlo Minassian
Added topic Payment Error
I was able to pay for one signal but subseqent efforts produce the following error: 2022.06.14 03:21:57.117 MQL5 Signals payment error 2022.06.14 03:20:37.482 '220085661': Signal - selected 'Bank cards' payment system to subscription signal 'Signal
Carlo Minassian
Added topic MT4 Stats Wiped
Hi, Following the recent MT4 update, all my historical statistics have been wiped and all I see is the past 1 week statistics.  Are you able to restore all the historical stats? My MT5 stats are still intact and work fine. Regards, Carlo
Carlo Minassian
Added topic Moving signals from one MQL account to another
Hi, I was setting up a separate MQL5 account for each signal I purchased. Now I understand that the one MQL5 Community account can subscribe to multiple signals each with a different trading account.  Is there a way to move signals from multiple
Carlo Minassian
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