Something Interesting in Financial Video January 2015 - page 5


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.01.24 18:06

Gold forecast for the week of January 26, 2015, Technical Analysis

Gold markets tried to rally during the course of the week, but as you can see the $1300 level offered a bit of resistance and ended up forming a shooting star in this market. With that being the case, we feel that this market will more than likely pullback from here. We believe that there is a significant amount of support down at the $1250 level though, and most certainly at the $1200 level. With that, we are still in a bit of a downtrend, and with that you have to be careful. Ultimately, this is a market that is probably better off being traded on shorter-term charts.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.01.24 18:09

USD/JPY forecast for the week of January 26, 2015, Technical Analysis

The USD/JPY pair initially broke higher during the course of the week, but turned back around at the 119 level to form a bit of a shooting star. Ultimately though, this is a market that is very much in an uptrend, and should continue to go higher. We believe that the 115 level is the “floor” in this market, and as a result we look at pullbacks as potential buying opportunities. We have no interest whatsoever in selling this market, and do believe that eventually we break back above the 122 level and grind our way up to the 125 handle.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.01.24 18:12

USD/CAD forecast for the week of January 26, 2015, Technical Analysis

The USD/CAD pair broke much higher during the course of the week, using the 1.20 level as a springboard to reach close to the 1.25 handle. This of course was exaggerated by the Bank of Canada cutting interest rates in a surprise move this week. Ultimately, we believe that the Canadian dollar is on its back foot now, and should continue to be sold. However, we recognize that we are approaching a significant round number, so we could get a little bit of a pullback. Think of pullbacks as potential value in the US dollar and therefore buying opportunities.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.01.24 18:14

GBP/USD forecast for the week of January 26, 2015, Technical Analysis

The GBP/USD pair broke down during the course of the week, crashing into the 1.50 handle. Ultimately, it looks like the buyers are just below, and we do believe that there is a significant amount of support going down to the 1.48 level as well. That being the case, we feel that the market should continue to be one that is supported below, and as a result we are waiting to see a buying opportunity. The Friday candle was a hammer, but from a longer-term perspective we do not have that signal quite yet.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.01.24 18:16

EUR/USD forecast for the week of January 26, 2015, Technical Analysis

The EUR/USD pair tried to rally at first during the course of the week, but with the European Central Bank expanding its quantitative easing program, we broke down below the 1.15 level and then crashed all the way down to the 1.11 region. We believe that the market is now heading to the 1.10 handle, and rally should be sold. It’s probably going to have to be done off of the daily charts or even lower time frames though, as longer-term charts don’t offer a lot of room between here and 1.10 at the moment.


Introduction to the Price/Book Ratio: Use it to Find Outperforming Stocks

1. The price/book ratio is a way of measuring the price of the company relative to its net assets. Mathematically, the exact calculation is as follows:

Market Capitalization / (Total Assets - Intangible Assets - Liabilities)

If a price/book ratio is below 1, it suggests the potential to buy a company and sell its assets right away for a profit. Low price/book ratios are generally desired by value investors. Of course, not every stock with a low price/book ratio is worth buying, as some may have assets that are overvalued on their books, may take a long time to sell (if at all), and may have negative earnings from operations.

2. There is some evidence that suggests stocks with a low price/book ratio outperform the market. Consider the chart below.

3. Some evidence suggests the price/book ratio becomes even more valuable when combined with other screens -- namely return on equity. The chart below illustrates the outperformance of stocks in the bottom 20% of price/book ratio and the top 33% based on return on equity; we can see they significantly outperform the market. Return on equity is essentially income divided by net assets; it is an attempt to measure how much income is earned relative to assets used to generate them. When stocks have a low price/book ratio, that suggests the company's assets are cheap; when stocks have a high return on equity, that suggests the company's assets are good at generating income. Many value investors appreciate the intuitive appeal of combining these screens to find the best companies worthy of investment.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.01.27 10:40

Another Big Week Points to Major Currency Moves - How Might we Trade? (based on dailyfx article)

  • US Dollar at elevated risk of volatility ahead of critical US Federal Reserve decision
  • Forex volatility prices continue to trade near multi-year highs amid central bank activity


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.01.28 11:38

USDJPY Stuck in a Triangle (based on dailyfx article)

  • Short term triangle keeps the larger triangle pattern in play
  • An immediate move below 117.28 negates the short term triangle
  • Look for resistance 119-120 to end wave D of a bullish triangle

The USDJPY has been stuck in a sideways range since December and appears to be carving out a larger degree 4th wave triangle. That means that each of the 5 sub-waves of the triangle should shape up as a zig-zag, triangle, or combination between them.


Forex Technical Analysis: 6 Currencies in 6 Minutes

In this video, Greg Michalowski, reviews the technicals for six major currency pairs in six minutes. Included are the:

  • AUDUSD and