x bytes of leaked memory


With recent update of Metatrader 5, all my indicators / EA are reporting warning of x bytes of leaked memory either on OnInit() or ExpertRemove() function

Is there something i need to update for all my indicators with compability of recent update?

Dark Ryd3r:

With recent update of Metatrader 5, all my indicators / EA are reporting warning of x bytes of leaked memory either on OnInit() or ExpertRemove() function

Is there something i need to update for all my indicators with compability of recent update?

Try recompiling
Dark Ryd3r:

With recent update of Metatrader 5, all my indicators / EA are reporting warning of x bytes of leaked memory either on OnInit() or ExpertRemove() function

Is there something i need to update for all my indicators with compability of recent update?

That means at some point you allocated memory using "new Something" and forgot to delete.
Usually the error message will say which type of objects are being leaked which could help you track down the issue.