Dark Ryd3r
Dark Ryd3r
Coding Trading Living

Expertise in MQL5 Indicators and Script programming, Alert Notification, Panels and Neural network based big data analysis,
Strategy Testing, Expert Advisor Tweaking, Parameter's Optimization through Cloud Farming and using Multi Network Chain,

I am both a crypto trader and programmer
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic Marketwatch symbols do not switch on Profile Switching
Is it possible to switch marketwatch sets as well when switching profiles ? Thanks
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic How to find Chart Timezone of current chart?
Some charts are operational on TimeGMT() while some may work on TimeLocal() So i want to find what is Broker time on chart in a format like GMT + x ot GMT -x and print it as output Thanks
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic Convert int to double by adding decimals
int a = 3 (input) digits how can i get double b = 0.001 (output) ticksize using int a =3 it means add 3 decimals in format 0.001 which is used for ticksize I am using          if (digit== 1 ) tickSize = 0.1 ;
Dark Ryd3r
Published code Price Line 2
Shows Last Price, Daily % Change, Symbol name, Countdown or Time left on closing and Time on chat
· 3 6643 698
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic How to draw trendline using Buffer?
Is there any way to draw a trendline connecting to two points without using Objects? DRAW_LINES only have PLOT_DRAW_BEGIN but its not working for two connecting points so i am curious to know what is the other way it can be done Thanks
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic x Cache error on Socket Response
I am using SocketCreate() default code on documentation to connect websocket but getting X-Cache error, Am i missing some header?, as it works on NodeJS Script i made but not with Native MQL5 Socket Network functions
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic Request for new feature in MT5 ; OHLC Alerts
I want to request a feature where i can select Open High Low Close also in Condition select field, As of now it only have Bid Ask Last Volume and Time but many strategies are also based on Candlestick Open High Low Close so I think this feature could
Dark Ryd3r
Published code RatesCompressor
Rates Version of a script https://www.mql5.com/en/code/30791
· 1 3711 161
Dark Ryd3r
Added poll What technical analysis tool you believe most to be working for entry exit in Forex?
  • 14% (1)
  • 0% (0)
  • 0% (0)
  • 14% (1)
  • 71% (5)
Total voters: 7
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic Is there any way to set these alerts from EA Code?
Is there any way to set these alerts from EA Code? Can you please share documentation reference, as I am tired of adding alerts manually for multi currencies
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic How to Pause Oncalculate function
I want to pause calculation in OnCalculate so all drawings on chart freezes until i enable calculation again How to do that
Dark Ryd3r
Published code High Low Lines
Add High and Low lines based on number of previous bars defined in input field
· 1 11487 1617
Dark Ryd3r
Published code Support Resistance Line Alert
Add Popup or Push Alert notification on manually placed horizontal lines, The lines are deleted and reset itself as soon as price touches these lines
· 1 12807 2544
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic 2 days history deletes @10PM GMT TIme automatically
I am facing a strange issue, MT5 Deletes History of chart for last 2 days fetched from Websocket using CustomRatesUpdate it happens exactly at 22:00 GMT so i am wondering what could be causing this to delete exactly at 22:00 GMT
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic ZigZag : How can i add two periods in one timeframe?
int zz= iCustom ( _Symbol , PERIOD_M1 ,iName,ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep); int zz2== iCustom ( _Symbol , PERIOD_M2 ,iName,ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep); if (! ChartIndicatorAdd ( 0 , 0 ,zz)){ Print ( "error zz" , GetLastError ());} if (
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic iHigh and iLow returns 0.0 [Solved]
When i try to get values of current bar for multi symbols it returns 0.0 double GetHigh = iHigh ( _Symbol , _Period ,barshift); double GetLow = iLow ( _Symbol , _Period ,barshift); When barshift = 0 ; it returns 0.0 for some of the symbols but When
Dark Ryd3r
Published code ZigZag NK Sound Alerts on Bar Change
ZigZag NK Sound Alerts notifies you with Sound alert, Push Notification or Popup Notification on terminal when Zigzag changes its bar.
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic EA optimization using OpenCL
My Multi Symbol Multi Period Scanner EA performs 6400 calculation per second, and consuming 80% CPU and 3GB Ram My CPU is Core i7 6700 and GPU is Nvidia GTX 970 The calculation scans 14+ buffers on 11 timeframe on 130+ symbols I am thinking to
Dark Ryd3r
Published code ZigZag Color for Line Chart
ZigZag Color Indicator for Line Charts which works on Close prices rather than High low This indicator has only one input parameter which is ExtDepth and its optimized for performance
Dark Ryd3r
Added topic Pause alert for specific value for a day
Hi My code alerts when price touches it, its for multi symbols in marketwatch datetime LastCandle = 0 ; datetime iCurrCandleTime_M1 = iTime (symbolsList[i],TimeFrameM1, 0 ); string symbolsList[]; int symbolCount; symbolCount= SymbolsTotal ( true );
Trust BFX
[Deleted] 2022.01.08