Conversion Rates


I have subscribed to a signal that is denominated in RUR. My account is in GBP. In the journal I get the message -

"No conversion rate for the deposit currency of provider (RUR) and subscriber (GBP), 1:1 ratio will be used"

Can the RUR be converted to any other currency? Perhaps if I used a USD denominated account?

1:1 on RUR GBP is tough...

I suppose your broker needs to supply such a symbol to have conversion rates available.

In any case, when talking your account currency and any other currency, if there are three symbols in play, you will have at least 1 "hidden" position to the base currency and your account currency.

This is always the case, even with indexes or other instruments, not in your account currency.


I see. I had assumed it was an MQL5 issue.

Thanks for your answer.