misleading payment

I tried to buy an indicator for time and sales delta .The result of the payment page says card declined by issuing Bank . But the bank record shows the payment deducted in my account . I have enclosed the two documents . 
mql5_payment.jpg  277 kb
mql5_reject.jpg  131 kb
I tried to buy an indicator for time and sales delta .The result of the payment page says card declined by issuing Bank . But the bank record shows the payment deducted in my account . I have enclosed the two documents . 

You may contact the Service Desk about this issue, but I would wait to see if that payment clears in your bank's side in a couple of days, it may only be a pre-approval that will be cancelled.

Thank you
hello I have purchased one expert advisor 'black Dragon' from your website but instead of 30 dollar transaction $60 (two 30$ - 30$) has been deducted from my bank, and I have only purchased one item, in the payment section also it is showing that two 30$ transaction has been done but it's a some technical issue, as I have only paid once. 

please help me get my money back sir. 
itzsoul brahs #:
hello I have purchased one expert advisor 'black Dragon' from your website but instead of 30 dollar transaction $60 (two 30$ - 30$) has been deducted from my bank, and I have only purchased one item, in the payment section also it is showing that two 30$ transaction has been done but it's a some technical issue, as I have only paid once. 

please help me get my money back sir. 
How to contact technical support - Financial operations are limited
How to contact technical support - Financial operations are limited
  • 2024.09.25
  • Michael Charles Schefe
  • www.mql5.com
Hi, I tried to purchase an indicator. The payment was successful but the purchase did not complete...