GUI sizes not displaying correctly on High res Screens


Does anyone know how to fix this?

On older displays it looks fine but on a newer display the radio button group looks terrible as in the attached image. Generated from MT5's sample code.

Even if I make the radio group larger the items in it are still squashed and there doesn't seem to be any way of fixing it.

MT5 itself looks fine on any display so why don't the widgets in their development kit look right?

Thanks for any assistance!


squashed.jpg  107 kb
Anthony Eric Gillon Dawson:

Does anyone know how to fix this?

On older displays it looks fine but on a newer display the radio button group looks terrible as in the attached image. Generated from MT5's sample code.

Even if I make the radio group larger the items in it are still squashed and there doesn't seem to be any way of fixing it.

MT5 itself looks fine on any display so why don't the widgets in their development kit look right?

Thanks for any assistance!


Thats because the radio buttons are fixed size bitmaps .

One workaround is creating additional fixed size bitmaps ,or a custom gui engine.


Heck... that's not a 2 minute job by any stretch of the imagination!

I assume they will have to upgrade the libraries at some point to cope with these new laptops....

This one has a res of 3000 x 2000 everything looks fine as long as I make it 2 x larger but stuff like the radio button groups are un-fixable. I will try using other GUI elements as a workaround. 

The interesting things is that the problem persists even if I use identical secondary displays. Spec attached.

I ran the GUI on two different laptops using identically specked displays and setups but same problem. 

Basically the development GUIs are unusable on high res systems even if using lower res displays!

Anyway thanks.

Anthony Eric Gillon Dawson:

Heck... that's not a 2 minute job by any stretch of the imagination!

I assume they will have to upgrade the libraries at some point to cope with these new laptops....

This one has a res of 3000 x 2000 everything looks fine as long as I make it 2 x larger but stuff like the radio button groups are un-fixable. I will try using other GUI elements as a workaround. 

The interesting things is that the problem persists even if I use identical secondary displays. Spec attached.

I ran the GUI on two different laptops using identically specked displays and setups but same problem. 

Anyway thanks.

Yeah .

It would require resizing and serializing (so you dont go through the resizing process twice for a basic elements bitmap image.)

Anthony Eric Gillon Dawson:

Does anyone know how to fix this?

On older displays it looks fine but on a newer display the radio button group looks terrible as in the attached image. Generated from MT5's sample code.

Even if I make the radio group larger the items in it are still squashed and there doesn't seem to be any way of fixing it.

MT5 itself looks fine on any display so why don't the widgets in their development kit look right?

Thanks for any assistance!


One way I bypassed this is using windows manifest files to tell the app (in this case metatrader.exe) to run on low resolution. 

Here there is an example with photoshop - basically it's the same.

You also can try the new resolution menu in metatrader under Window menu (I'm not sure what it is for and if it can help).

Adobe App Scaling on High DPI Displays (FIX)
Adobe App Scaling on High DPI Displays (FIX)
  • 2021.02.03
  • Dan Antonielli
I recently purchased a new Yoga 2 Pro with a gorgeous 3200 x 1800 display. My main purposes for this device was to do some heavy lifting on the the road with many of my professional applications. I was quickly discouraged when I first fired up Fireworks, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Illustrator to find that I needed a magnifying glass to see...
Amir Yacoby:

One way I bypassed this is using windows manifest files to tell the app (in this case metatrader.exe) to run on low resolution. 

Here there is an example with photoshop - basically it's the same.

You also can try the new resolution menu in metatrader under Window menu (I'm not sure what it is for and if it can help).

Thanks for the lead  but no, in this case magnification doesn't seem to solve the problem.

The problem is that the radio buttons group and other widgets appear actually broken on a high res laptop no matter how big you magnify them they still appear broken.

Anthony Eric Gillon Dawson:

Thanks for the lead  but no, in this case magnification doesn't seem to solve the problem.

The problem is that the radio buttons group and other widgets appear actually broken on a high res laptop no matter how big you magnify them they still appear broken.

I dont know which magnifying you are referring to. I lead you to an explanation on how to create a windows manifestation file to place it in the metatrader folder which will cause mt5 run as if it is non dpi aware and that should cause windows to display it correcltly
Amir Yacoby:
I dont know which magnifying you are referring to. I lead you to an explanation on how to create a windows manifestation file to place it in the metatrader folder which will cause mt5 run as if it is non dpi aware and that should cause windows to display it correcltly
Hey I'll give it a try and get back... Thanks.