Meaning of personal job

Hi. In the freelance section a number of the jobs are marked as "personal job" and I'm unable to click on these ones? What's the reason I'm unable to view these jobs?
Hi. In the freelance section a number of the jobs are marked as "personal job" and I'm unable to click on these ones? What's the reason I'm unable to view these jobs?

You cannot click on them because they are personal jobs.

The developer has been pre-selected.

About personal order?
It is about the job to the developer you know in person or you know on this forum by posts (the job to the developer which was preselected by you).
read post #7 for more information.
Freelancer Overdue Statistic. Should we ignore It?
Freelancer Overdue Statistic. Should we ignore It?
  • 2017.09.20
Yes, we should ignore the freelancer overdue statistic, No, the overdue statistic is vitally important...
Got it thank you both 🙂