Freelancer Overdue Statistic. Should we ignore It?

  • 59% (51)
  • 41% (36)
Total voters: 87

I am wondering how this is calculated.

For instance, if a developer takes a job and does not complete it in time it makes sense that this would add to his amount of overdue jobs, however, if a developer takes a job and the customer stops responding does this also turn into an overdue job for the developer? In the second case, the developer has no control over if the job is overdue since the developer is relying on someone else to help complete the project.

Should this statistic just be ignored when searching for developers to work with, since it is not completely under the control of the developer? Or, should we take it as an indication of how well a developer is willing to work with clients?

Thanks for reading, your thoughts?


John Davis:

if a developer takes a job and the customer stops responding does this also turn into an overdue job for the developer?

Unfortunately, yes, it does.

The few jobs I developed in the Freelance section, I always delivered them on time. Normally the client tests it the same day you deliver it and accepts it, but in one of them, the client took 3 days to test it, and that is the only work that appears as a delay in my statistics as a developer. Something unfair, because I gave it the day agreed.

Therefore, according to my experience, the statistics of delays are not very useful, since the developer may not have delivered it on time, but it may also be that, even if delivered on time, it was the client that has been delayed much to revise and accept.

I think this should be changed.



I voted with IGNORE.

Jose Francisco Casado Fernandez:

Unfortunately, yes, it does.

The few jobs I developed in the Freelance section, I always delivered them on time. Normally the client tests it the same day you deliver it and accepts it, but in one of them, the client took 3 days to test it, and that is the only work that appears as a delay in my statistics as a developer. Something unfair, because I gave it the day agreed.

Therefore, according to my experience, the statistics of delays are not very useful, since the developer may not have delivered it on time, but it may also be that, even if delivered on time, it was the client that has been delayed much to revise and accept.

I think this should be changed.


Thanks for your input, I tend to agree with you as most have on this survey so far, the overdue statistic should be ignored, especially since it can give false or incorrect information.

John Davis:

Thanks for your input, I tend to agree with you as most have on this survey so far, the overdue statistic should be ignored, especially since it can give false or incorrect information.

You are welcome. Regards
A high number of overdue project means that the developer does not respect his own and your time. As result you can assume that the developer is not reliable.
A high number of overdue project means that the developer does not respect his own and your time. As result you can assume that the developer is not reliable.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Little seriousness of the programmers

Sergey Golubev, 2020.03.17 08:53

And I am posting this suggestion all the time on the forum. It is related to the Signals, the Market, and to the Freelance as well - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Sergey Golubev, 2020.01.16 06:35

There is one rule which some people follow:
subscribe to the signal or create an order in Freelance or purchase the product from the user/seller/coder/provider you know in person or you know by activity on the forum.

Because if you purchased something so I may ask:
"Do you know the seller in person, or you are familiar with him on this forum?"
If you say: "Not" so it will be very strange case for me ...

Just my optinion.


There are a lot of professional and honest users/coders on the forum, and some of them are very active on this forum helping to the other people and replying on the forum posts/requests.


But if you select "anyone" (any coder which you do not know in person or you do not know him on this forum) so - it is your choice (and we call it as "Russian roulette" in my country).


Always choose the person you know in this forum (who is very active here), and you will have much less problems with anything.
Because "choose the person" - invest to the coder/seller/provider and to his job (invest = pay).

Just my opinion sorry (because I am not a coder, and I am using Freelance as well).

A high number of overdue project means that the developer does not respect his own and your time. As result you can assume that the developer is not reliable.

This works both ways, you can also have a customer that is not responding making the job go overdue.

Then you have a customer that is not reliable ? 

This is simply unfair for the developer. Surely a better implementation would be that the client CONFIRMS overdue when it happens. Such a simple fix. 

Before closing a project.. i ask customer to increase the deadline to todays date or more..

This is simple fix with just few clicks and had been going all well with them so far.
