Beginner's club

Hey I'm new to this website 
I really wanna learn how to trade in and out
Can someone help me from where should I start and keep doing something consistently so as to get a brief idea of how to trade 
A help would be much appreciated...thank you
Genji Serizawa:
Hey I'm new to this website 
I really wanna learn how to trade in and out
Can someone help me from where should I start and keep doing something consistently so as to get a brief idea of how to trade 
A help would be much appreciated...thank you

Practice on a demo account - When you are profitable with your trading on demo and feeling comfortable with what you are practicing it's time to head over to a real account.

It's about discipline and rules and a strategy to follow

A simple one could be for example Moving Average, when candle close above MA it's time to buy, when candle close below MA it's time to sell...this is a good practice to get going.

Good luck ;)


1. The article - - User Memo

2. Where Do I start from? 

3.  MetaTrader 5 Help - Trading Platform — User Manual 

4. How to make a search on the forum 

5. MetaTrader 5 Help - Open an Account

6. Find a Server by the Broker's Name:

Where Do I start from?
Where Do I start from?
  • 2017.07.25
Hi fam! Am a total newbie in the forex niche... Just signed up here on this platform... Please where do i start from? I need help...

There is not shortage of bad advice available and it will only cost you all your money. LOL.

Seriously, do not start by buying robots and subscriptions to everything on the internet.

Start with reading the articles on this site and use a DEMO account to trade FREE indicators and robots so you understand how they work and how your broker works with you.

If you read the forum you will find a lot of ideas there to think about and test.  (Again, don't start by spending money for anything.)

Brokers have free videos, blogs and you can also check out YouTube videos.

There are very few numbers to worry about: open, close, high, low, and volume.  That is about it.

There are a limited number of decisions for actions to take:  buy, sell, hold, exit, and stand aside. 

Ask a lot of questions, but don't believe everything people tell you. Test and learn for yourself and trade a DEMO account until you start to make money and then risk real money.  Start with the smallest positions and simplest systems and don't just gamble away your money.

Good luck.

I really wanna learn how to trade in and out has a school that some people have found a helpful introduction to trading forex.


1. learn a lot about forex trading.  Fundamental analysis is not so necessary, though.

2. repeat "PDCA cycle" to find your own profitable strategy.

Some indicators and trading systems become profitable with (multi-timeframe) chart analysis and parameter optimization.

Be careful of indicators that repaint. You can use "strategy tester" to see if they do that.

Don't go to a paid forex school. They only tell you the informations that you can see on the internet for free.


Whether you will trade manually or with robots, the strategy tester could become your best friend, for testing strategies and individual indicators.

I find that it is great for gaining some experience and as time passes you will develop an eye for situations related to entries and exits..

I been trading Forex on and off and I’m still a student with this. What would be the best indicators to follow on MT4 Mobile. I’m trying to see which one would work the best, and looking for:

2 Confirmation Indicators (Either a zero line cross, ones that cross each other and a chart indicator)

A exit indicator

So far I have the ATR, but I know there are more ways to confirm accurate entries and exits. If anybody have any good suggestions, I’m open for them....appreciate it!!
just work on demo accounts for a long time before real trading


i just set up a demo account through <Deleted>. Does anyone know about this company. I’m just a bit cautious about these guys.



i just set up a demo account through <Deleted>. Does anyone know about this company. I’m just a bit cautious about these guys.

Discussion about specific brokers is not allowed in the forum.