[Suggestion]For Freelance Projects - page 3

Soewono Effendi:
guess who is holding budget ;)
It is not a claim.
It is a fact, that locked budget does not goes to developer.

Otherwise a simple arbiration resolution should and would be provided, so that no budget would be locked forever ;)

Hoping for improvement.
Keith Watford:

The problem is that many, especially newbie coders will supply the full version I'm sure. The newbies are eager to increase their job numbers.

I don't really see how it would be helpful to the client (except for the client to backtest it and find that it is not profitable).

Now to be honest, I have done demos, but for people that I have worked for previously.

Have you ever wondered why approx. one third of all jobs posted are never completed?

That is not the only reason they get abandoned .(although it may be the main)

They may forget , project open in multiple freelance websites ,cant see notifications on website.

Yeah , ive done demos too in the old days , i would see a project , build the program ,shoot a video ,upload it to youtube ,bid on project ,send the youtube link ( :D i hadn't discovered you can restrict your programs which was obvious) 

On another off topic note : The project creators would see their backtest failed and run off and dissapear ,but its highly likely they backtest the wrong way/or generally believe in the tester.So imagine what could be inside your projects folder ;) [_]o
Keith Watford:

They want a demo according to their strategy, then they backtest it, find that it isn't profitable, end of story. The coder has wasted time and earned nothing.

Yep, what I understood.

I don't use the "Freelance" section, but have you guys think about a 50% before, 50% once the job done like in thriller movie ? 

A good example of a __defective__ arbitration process, when no defined timeout of arbitration process.


the job is opened since 2019.05.14, so 3 months now and it was supposed to be a 1 day job
Who is benefiting of this (intended) defect ?
Look where the budget is. ;)

Btw. this is not __the only case__, many similiar cases too.

Hoping for improvement for the sake of this community.
Service Desk, Arbitration not answering
Service Desk, Arbitration not answering
  • 2019.08.12
  • www.mql5.com
Hi everyone...
and another one .....
just trying to point out the real issue..when there is no fix timeout in arbritation process.


By law (at least in my country) with a legal dispute, the party who does not show (or refuses to take part) is sentenced in absentia.

If this would not be the case, it would be impossible to end a dispute if one party has the power to frustrate the whole process. 

It seems the arbitration procedure here at MQL5 is fundamentally broken, while the fix is remarkably simple:

Like @Soewono Effendi proposed; Fixed (reasonable) time span for the arbritation process, and in case of a no show, this party gets the shorter end of the stick.

This goes both ways. If you have time to put up a job, you better have the time to finish the job. Likewise if you have the time to take on a job, you better have the time to finish it. 

for me
actually after mq4 / mq5 is sent, the system should start counting down (say 7 days).
so if there is no response from the client then the work is considered accepted,
but on the client side there is a kind of button to refuse because there is an obvious reason (there is a problem with mq4 or mq5)
then here there is no betrayal
the developer gets his rights because it works
the client gets his rights for paying