[Suggestion]For Freelance Projects


[in a freelance project] , when the client accepts the demonstration and the coder sends the source code , sometimes the clients forget or ignore the last confirmation step - they cant see the notification , dont know it exists , or check the source code and forget to confirm,and the occasional -but rare- hostage project for more demands ,and the occasional -but rare- negotiation of next project price with the "gun" on this project :D.

You could have a source files escrow system, where after the demonstration is confirmed :

  1. the coders upload the source code files -and all other needed resources- but the files are not immediately available to the client
  2. the client is notified of what files have been uploaded and their size
  3. then confirms the project 
  4. the money is released to the coders , the files are released to the client 
Thank you 

Demo is not the final solution. So how the client will be sure about the final solution (source code) is what he/she needs in that situation?


IMHO, a simple solution, every arbitration step should have timeout.
On expire it benefits the one who started the arbitration.
Ibrahim Ogretmen:

Demo is not the final solution. So how the client will be sure about the final solution (source code) is what he/she needs in that situation?


When the coder sends the demo and clicks "Demonstration complete"(from what i recall) ,then the client has the option to confirm that the demostration works.

That means that once everything is as you want it to be you can confirm the demonstration too(Thats how you will be sure about the final solution)-and move the project to the handover and payment stage.
Its in that stage the "mutual transaction" i suggest must take place.
After you have accepted everything works . 

[but i get what the issue is for clients ,there are steps that can be taken towards their safety too,for one ,showing programmers reviews and past projects,having an optional demo request before choosing a coder etc]
Soewono Effendi:
IMHO, a simple solution, every arbitration step should have timeout.
On expire it benefits the one who started the arbitration.

Not talking about arbitration . Again ,99% of the time clients dont know of the final step , cant see it , cant see the notification (due to the websites interface) 

Build mutual respects between clients and devs.
To protect both sides:
- never deliever source code before acceptance of working binaries (ex4/ex5)
- built expiration date in binaries
- clients when not agree with binaries, try your best to communicate/work together to solve, in mutual respect.
- if nothing wotks, arbitration is the solution, if and only if, when the arbitration has a final decision.
(automatic timeout in no response after some defined time period)

Otherwise it will be a never ending story, and for some clients, they probably don't bother about the budget, meanwhile the keeper of the budget is happy with such condition.
And the devs have worked for nothing 🙈

well.... for the better or worse ... if this community has good will, please add timeout to each arbitration steps until the project is closed.
Also timeout for project review /comments.

PS: I believe in good attidutes of most people .... 
with underlined  _most_.

Soewono Effendi:
Build mutual respects between clients and devs.
To protect both sides:
- never deliever source code before acceptance of working binaries (ex4/ex5)
- built expiration date in binaries
- clients when not agree with binaries, try your best to communicate/work together to solve, in mutual respect.
- if nothing wotks, arbitration is the solution, if and only if, when the arbitration has a final decision.
(automatic timeout in no response after some defined time period)

Otherwise it will be a never wnding story, and for some clients, they probably don't bother about the budget, meanwhile the keeper of the budget is happy with such condition.
And the devs have worked for nothing 🙈

well.... for the better or worse ... if this community has good will, please add timeout to each arbitration steps until the project is closed.
Also timeout for project review /comments.

Great ++ :

  • Mutual Release Step
  • Arbitration Time Limit 
  • Review Time Limit 
  • Clients Able to See Coders Reviews+Projects
  • Ability to request Demos before choosing Coder (if coders dont want to, they dont participate)
Soewono Effendi:

PS: I believe in good attidutes of most people .... 
with underlined  _most_.

Yes , i agree , but regardless the issue for some of our colleagues is they end up unable to get new projects .

Lorentzos Roussos:

Great ++ :

  • Mutual Release Step
  • Arbitration Time Limit 
  • Review Time Limit 
  • Clients Able to See Coders Reviews+Projects
  • Ability to request Demos before choosing Coder (if coders dont want to, they dont participate)

  • Ability to request Demos before choosing Coder (if coders dont want to, they dont participate)

This is __most annoying part__ when you request __custom project__
Unless you buy __ready made__ solution.

Would any tailors cut and sew a suit specifically for you __just__ to try ?

* just wondering
Soewono Effendi:

  • Ability to request Demos before choosing Coder (if coders dont want to, they dont participate)

This is __most annoying part__ wheb you request __custom project__
Unless you buy __ready made__ solution.

Whould ajy

If the coder does not want to , they dont participate . 
And ,to be fair , the scale must be balanced .Im sure clients would feel the "fear" of the coder running away with their money if said changes where implemented.

sure ....
similiar projects might be already done.
That might be requested.
Check and balance is the key.