[Suggestion]For Freelance Projects - page 2

see... when arbitration has no timeout ....

and the budget holder is happy,
that's why... don't expect to see improvement any soon ;)


Soewono Effendi:
see... when arbitration has no timeout ....

and the budget holder is happy,
that's why... don't expect to see improvement any soon ;)


the budget holder does not seem happy in this one ;)

Lorentzos Roussos:

the budget holder does not seem happy in this one ;)

guess who is holding budget ;)
Soewono Effendi:
guess who is holding budget ;)

What MQ ? ridiculous claim


Ability to request Demos before choosing Coder (if coders dont want to, they dont participate)

This is so wrong and I encourage all coders to never supply demos for EAs.

The customer could have 10 different coders working on demos. That means that at least 9 coders have no hope of being paid for the time that they are wasting.

The customer gets the demo(s), back tests it, finds it is not profitable and disappears - nobody gets paid for their efforts.

Keith Watford:

Ability to request Demos before choosing Coder (if coders dont want to, they dont participate)

This is so wrong and I encourage all coders to never supply demos for EAs.

The customer could have 10 different coders working on demos. That means that at least 9 coders have no hope of being paid for the time that they are wasting.

The customer gets the demo(s), back tests it, finds it is not profitable and disappears - nobody gets paid for their efforts.

One does not have to supply the full blown version , and the demos ,they wont be 100% completed .
But it'be helpful to the client as an option (to be able to request demos prior to selection)

Lorentzos Roussos:

One does not have to supply the full blown version , and the demos ,they wont be 100% completed .
But it'be helpful to the client as an option (to be able to request demos prior to selection)

I totally agree with Keith. What is this idea to send a demo prior to the selection ? I don't get it, you want to work for free ?
Lorentzos Roussos:

One does not have to supply the full blown version , and the demos ,they wont be 100% completed .
But it'be helpful to the client as an option (to be able to request demos prior to selection)

The problem is that many, especially newbie coders will supply the full version I'm sure. The newbies are eager to increase their job numbers.

I don't really see how it would be helpful to the client (except for the client to backtest it and find that it is not profitable).

Now to be honest, I have done demos, but for people that I have worked for previously.

Have you ever wondered why approx. one third of all jobs posted are never completed?

Keith Watford:

The problem is that many, especially newbie coders will supply the full version I'm sure. The newbies are eager to increase their job numbers.

I don't really see how it would be helpful to the client (except for the client to backtest it and find that it is not profitable).

Now to be honest, I have done demos, but for people that I have worked for previously.

Have you ever wondered why approx. one third of all jobs posted are never completed?

Let me guess customers ask for a strategy and even if perfectly coded but not profitable, they renounce to it ?

Icham Aidibe:

Let me guess customers ask for a strategy and even if perfectly coded but not profitable, they renounce to it ?

They want a demo according to their strategy, then they backtest it, find that it isn't profitable, end of story. The coder has wasted time and earned nothing.