What is going on with MQL5 Payment System? - page 8

Marta Gonzalez:

When the page said that Paypal would be operational on Monday or Tuesday, as moderator you could ask the page that specifies which Monday or Tuesday it refers to, if it is a Monday or Tuesday of a specific month or year. You could also inform the page to increase its resources for withdrawal since at the time it is activated there will be a capital flight, since 100% of the deposits will disappear through the panic. It is important that they increase this float so as not to have a margin call on the page.

The latest announcement (made after Tuesday) is on this post: #369
Sergey Golubev:
The latest announcement (made after Tuesday) is on this post: #369

The withdrawal to the mastercard will be soon, as well as to the paypal.

ok I rephrase the question, could you as moderator please ask to be specified the concept of "soon", to have clear withdrawal deadlines?

Hamed Dehghani:

OK Thanks for response, and thanks for update article.

I tried it now again , and i received below message :

An error occurred when working with the payment system. If you need help, please send a request to the Service Desk and specify the details of the transaction.

As you see its not clear reason like that invalid card or expired card or ....

Question is : how long time we must wait for service desk response to know the reason, at least reason?!

If i know the reason , then i can go bank and talk with agents, but right now we must wait, maybe days, maybe weeks to know what happend.

say thanks to MetaQuotes about the article updated.
about your questions - same: ask your questions using service desk for example.


And please, do not escalate the situation by "making noise" here.
Because we are the members of the forum, and we are not responsible for this situation.

As to your case, as I posted above - you can write to the service desk asking about 'your card with cardpay' issue.

Marta Gonzalez:

The withdrawal to the mastercard will be soon, as well as to the paypal.

ok I rephrase the question, could you as moderator please ask to be specified the concept of "soon", to have clear withdrawal deadlines?

I can not ... because MQ should announce it, but if they did not specify the date so it means - they do not know.
Because it is paypal ... and paypal is not telling about "when" (I know it because I made annual verification of my paypal account and paypal did it for more than 1 week ..).

It is impossible to force.
But I am sure - MetaQuotes company is doing the best for paypal and other payment systems to be acceptable for withrdawal (admins are reading the forum ..).

Sergey Golubev:

I can not ... because MQ should announce it, but if they did not specify the date so it means - they do not know.
Because it is paypal ... and paypal is not telling about "when" (I know it because I made annual verification of my paypal account and paypal did it for more than 1 week ..).

It is impossible to force.
But I am sure - MetaQuotes company is doing the best for paypal and other payment systems to be acceptable for withrdawal (admins are reading the forum ..).

Since the only contact we currently have with the company is through you, that you are behaving like the official spokesperson for the company on this page (you call yourself moderator) I suppose that you have responsibility for it or you have contact with someone who put that qualification, you could make the steps derived from your position to solve this uncertainty. It is not an answer to say that the company you depend on will respond, since you are part of that company in terms of spokesperson / moderator, and therefore you are the valid channel for its responses. I beg you to get in touch with your company and answer the questions of the forum or allow another person to perform the work of a spokesperson and clarify the doubts that we are all having
Marta Gonzalez:
Since the only contact we currently have with the company is through you, that you are behaving like the official spokesperson for the company on this page (you call yourself moderator) I suppose that you have responsibility for it or you have contact with someone who put that qualification, you could make the steps derived from your position to solve this uncertainty. It is not an answer to say that the company you depend on will respond, since you are part of that company in terms of spokesperson / moderator, and therefore you are the valid channel for its responses. I beg you to get in touch with your company and answer the questions of the forum or allow another person to perform the work of a spokesperson and clarify the doubts that we are all having

It is through Sergey's efforts that he has been able to add information here that he has found by searching in the Russian forum. He has no role of spokesperson for the company.

How many times do we have to tell forum users that we forum moderators are forum users just like you.

We do not work for Metaquotes and we are not paid by Metaquotes.

We are not spokespersons for Metaquotes.

We have no special knowledge or privileges.

Keith Watford:

It is through Sergey's efforts that he has been able to add information here that he has found by searching in the Russian forum. He has no role of spokesperson for the company.

How many times do we have to tell forum users that we forum moderators are forum users just like you.

We do not work for Metaquotes and we are not paid by Metaquotes.

We are not spokespersons for Metaquotes.

We have no special knowledge or privileges.

Ok, so who is the official spokesperson for the company in the forum?

And what is the responsibility of the moderators regarding the company and its actions?

Marta Gonzalez:
Since the only contact we currently have with the company is through you, that you are behaving like the official spokesperson for the company on this page (you call yourself moderator) I suppose that you have responsibility for it or you have contact with someone who put that qualification, you could make the steps derived from your position to solve this uncertainty. It is not an answer to say that the company you depend on will respond, since you are part of that company in terms of spokesperson / moderator, and therefore you are the valid channel for its responses. I beg you to get in touch with your company and answer the questions of the forum or allow another person to perform the work of a spokesperson and clarify the doubts that we are all having

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What is going on with Mql5 Payment System .

Marta Gonzalez, 2019.09.19 09:28

Ok, so who is the official spokesperson for the company in the forum?

And what is the responsibility of the moderators regarding the company and its actions?

One and half days passed from the last announcement so it is too early to ask about it.

Of course, if it takes long time so I will ask.

Sergey Golubev:

One and half days passed from the last announcement so it is too early to ask about it.
Of course, if it will take long time so I will ask.

I think it's been a long time since a long time has passed
Marta Gonzalez:

Ok, so who is the official spokesperson for the company in the forum?

The Service desk and the Administration are the spokespersons.

Marta Gonzalez:

And what is the responsibility of the moderators regarding the company and its actions?

Did you read my post and the dozens of similar replies?

Keith Watford:

How many times do we have to tell forum users that we forum moderators are forum users just like you.

We do not work for Metaquotes and we are not paid by Metaquotes.

We are not spokespersons for Metaquotes.

We have no special knowledge or privileges.

We have no responsibility for any of Metaquotes actions. We do not represent Metaquotes. We are not Employed by Metaquotes.