Strikethrough profile names on MQL5

What does it mean to have a profile name with the strikethrough on this site? I've seen a number of profiles with that, but I haven't been able to deduce what it means, at first I thought they've been deleted but I started doubting this when I observed the profiles still open and you can even send requests to them

It means the following: use was banned

Sergey Golubev:

It means the following: use was banned

Please what exactly does it mean to be banned? 

does it mean the user can't create anymore jobs in the freelance section or use other mql5 services?
Sergey Golubev:

It means the following: use was banned

I mean: user was banned.


holocast: Please what exactly does it mean to be banned?

does it mean the user can't create anymore jobs in the freelance section or use other mql5 services?

Banned means that the user is locked out of his account! That means he/she can't do anything here - not post, not place jobs, not respond to messages, nothing!
Please what exactly does it mean to be banned? 

does it mean the user can't create anymore jobs in the freelance section or use other mql5 services?

There is "autoban" for "too many private messages in very short period of time". Banned users can not post on the forum during the period of banning.
Besides, user can be banned by moderators and admins, and yes, same - banned users can not post on the forum during the period of banning.
And the users can be banned from Freelance but without strikethrough.

I know it because I was banned once ... but I've never been banned from Freelance (because I am not participating in Freelance) ...


Why are you asking?-

Thanks for the clarification.

I have a good friend of mine I've been meaning to reach, I recently found out he's profile has been strikedthrough, so I was left confused about what exactly it meant cause I knew  it wasn't always so