Setting up to share my CPU Power - page 4


With FireFox and it AddOn "Ceck4Change" one can check how often or with which time interval the web page (../achievements) is updated by MetaQuotes!

During this morning 'my' metaTestert64 has been 'used' several times despite that my number of "Agents Supplier:" is still unchanged!


As nobody seems to click and read the provided links, a last attempt.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Slava, 2013.04.09 07:58

Your new agents appear in your profile in 1 day after first task from cloud server executing

Alain Verleyen:

As nobody seems to click and read the provided links, a last attempt.

Oh i see - does this actually mean we see results with 24hr delay approx?



Any one know how many cores i can have in agent program.

Can i run more than one pc, 3 or more pcs. and use their cores ?

Is there any limitation on each account ?


Just install on each pc with internet connection mt5tester.setup.exe.

It'll find the correct solution. It is one agent per kernel thread. On the third tab "MQL5 Cloud Network" just enter your login name of this forum, but check whether you are registered as seller.

The accounting is updated once a day - but don't expect to become rich! Depending on your pc you might get 10-20 USD per month.


hello, this is an old thread but i would like to ask how much revenue per i7 8700k agents can earn ?

 "Depending on your pc you might get 10-20 USD per month"

as far i can read the "payment" documentation

1 agent with PR 100 make you earn 14.40 dollars month

so if i understand correctly , if an i7 8700k with a PR100 could make earn 4 x 14.40 dollars month isnt it ?

also does the tester are requested everytime , i mean does the revenue each month are pretty similar or sometime the agent are not requested at all for a day ?

does someone can share his own experience please ?

thanks you very much

Questions Concerning Payment for Participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Questions Concerning Payment for Participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Certainly. We welcome enthusiasts and invite volunteers to create distributed computing projects. You only need to download and install tester agents to provide your CPU capacity for free. See the Help section for more details. What is the measurement method of my agents capacities? Each testing agent has its own performance rating (PR). PR...

hello, this is an old thread but i would like to ask how much revenue per i7 8700k agents can earn ?

 "Depending on your pc you might get 10-20 USD per month"

as far i can read the "payment" documentation

1 agent with PR 100 make you earn 14.40 dollars month

Certainly not, it's theoretical value if your agents run nonstop (EDIT: which never happens).

so if i understand correctly , if an i7 8700k with a PR100 could make earn 4 x 14.40 dollars month isnt it ?

also does the tester are requested everytime , i mean does the revenue each month are pretty similar or sometime the agent are not requested at all for a day ?

does someone can share his own experience please ?

thanks you very much

No way to earn money with this service, forget it. The best you can expect is to earn some money to pay your electricity bill.
Alain Verleyen:
Certainly not, it's theoretical value if your agents run nonstop.  No way to earn money with this service, forget it. The best you can expect is to earn some money to pay your electricity bill.

 ok thank you for the clarification Alain 

all the best


Hi guys,

I've read many threads on this forum in a last few days, so I completely understand newbies (like me) for looking for a simple answers for obviously not so logical behavior of Distributed Cloud Network system.

Enormous number of similar questions here are not because of lazy users, but directly from fancy advertised service explained in a few pictures and next-next-finish steps to start cashing in money.

The truth is as far from that as it can be.

The Price Calculation page says $28.80 per core per month!?

For my i7 (PR170) that should land me $115.20 per month! Wow, fantastic!

Please be so kind to explain me what exactly I need to do to earn that money? I have all technical requirements.

But, I bet it is impossible, right?

All of those hundreds of questions here are simply because of this fact.

Advertised and real life results are miles apart.

Please don't be angry with newbies, but with MetaQuotes Software only.

