Setting up to share my CPU Power - page 3


Hey, Alain (-;

If you read a few replies after you can see that Carl corrected himself

Thanks I missed it.

any one of you guys experienced in getting this to work? i could really use help.

happy to trade favors or to pay even..

Why do you think it's not working ?

From above link :


Please don't tell him to use the search engine or you risk being accused of putting him down.

And he will complain about you.

And after that ignore you.

All because your answer didn't satisfy his needs.


Marco  my man - stop obsessing, u need to let this go dude..

We will see about that.


Hi Socialworx,

Looks all good to go. I have been running agents in the cloud for over a year now but when I first got started it took a few weeks of having them connected 24/7 before they started being utilized.

As frustrating as it is you'll just have to be patient and the tasks will be sent your way when the demand is there.

Have a nice day :)


Hi Socialworx,

Looks all good to go. I have been running agents in the cloud for over a year now but when I first got started it took a few weeks of having them connected 24/7 before they started being utilized.

As frustrating as it is you'll just have to be patient and the tasks will be sent your way when the demand is there.

Have a nice day :)

That makes a lot of sense, thanks (-;

Marco vd Heijden:

We will see about that.

so now you are threatening users as well?.. 

just chill out bro - u sound very upset, as a moderator i think you should act a little bit more mature (-;

Alain Verleyen:

Why is that ?

On the webpage ( MetaQuotes wrote: "The number of agents on your computer must not exceed the number of processor cores". ( In German: "Kerne").

In my understanding and that is what I read e.g. when you want to buy them that my cpu has 6 cores and it can perform hyperthreading. No one is talking about 12 cores in this case!

I already suggested MetaQuotes to be more precise.


so now you are threatening users as well?.. 

just chill out bro - u sound very upset, as a moderator i think you should act a little bit more mature (-;

The result page of Metaquotes is somewhat mysterious to me! Maybe they have a pendulum ;)

There was an update and I see that some of the agents where listed with the new built number but some were not?

After I added add. 16 GB Ram to my pc and re-started the pc (incl. BIOS update) all agents were still listed with 16 GB?

I had to uninstall MetaTester64 completely and re-install it again and then only 3 agents were listed with 32GB three still with 16GB.

Finally after a day or so all of a sudden all 6 agents had 32GB.


Thanks for this, i can confirm that i already read these limitations and all has been checked.

it's not a VPS, it's a strong fresh machine, it has RAM and disk available and PR is over 100 in all cores.

very strange, i find it hard to believe what was suggested earlier that there are simply not enough tasks and demand...

i wonder why its not being used... :/

According to my opinion - there are several ways "to fix it" -

  • this thread, and asking the people for their advice;
  • or try to discover everything by yourself (yes, search function sorry);
  • Freelance for consultation (means: pay for advice);
  • the service desk (admins/developers may reply in case you will provide some details to them).

It is the public forum and this is your thread, and it is impossible to force the people to make an advice in case they do not know all the particularities (or they do not have time to make an advice ... or do not want to do it ...). I made this post because I see that this thread became one of the most popular one since yesterday according to timeline here.