what happens after end of OnChartEvent - CHARTEVENT_KEYDOWN in run of EA?



- is the program returns to last line of OnTick() event when i push the button?

- or he calls OnTick() from begining after next ontick event?

i dont fing answer to this question in main MT4 Help... thanks



- is the program returns to last line of OnTick() event when i push the button?

- or he calls OnTick() from begining after next ontick event?

i dont fing answer to this question in main MT4 Help... thanks

Maybe I don't understand you well (you can send me a private message in Czech) but if you ask if OnChartEvent() is called during processing OnTick() function my answer is no.

In other words: If you press a key during processing OnTick() it completes itself first and then is called OnChartEvent().

Petr Nosek:

Maybe I don't understand you well (you can send me a private message in Czech) but if you ask if OnChartEvent() is called during processing OnTick() function my answer is no.

In other words: If you press a key during processing OnTick() it completes itself first and then is called OnChartEvent().

thanks for answer, its enough for me...