During optimization, How to set the input parameters(the start, step, and stop )values for an external parameter of ENUMERATION data type?


Dear all,

During optimization, How to set the input parameters(the start, step, and stop )values for an ENUMERATION data type?

Many thanks for your time and consideration.


example, "trailing stop in pips"

  • start in 10
  • step 5
  • stop 50

It means - it will be optimization of "trailing stop in pips" parameter's value started with 10 and continuing to 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and it will be stopped with 50 (8 steps totally)

Steps ... I am looking at the total steps.

Because if I have big value of steps so more money/credits will be deducted from my mql5 account in case of optimization with cloud. So, I am trying to optimize some key parameters first using slow algorithm optimization (more expensive but more quickly), and after that - I am optimizing many (or all) parameters using fast optimization (it is very very slowly going but it is very cheap - just for few cents only)


For more information - look at this thread All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud :

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud

angevoyageur, 2013.08.20 19:47

A must ! Before using it or asking any question : please read the Online Help  (Also accessible by F1 on your MT5 platform)

Strategy Tester

For Traders

For Programmers



Announce of the launch : MQL5 Cloud Network launched.

As Users

As Providers (agents)

Work in progress, stay tuned !

dear newdigital and dear angevoyageur,

  Thank you both for the informative links contained in the reply.

best regards.