MT4 App on Iphone6 - Quotes screen keeps resetting back to default currencies pairs and clears the custom pairs selected - page 2

I got a message back from service desk they say they have escalated this to their specialists and for me to be patient. 
Hopefully they release a patch to resolve both these reset issues!
Same issue here, every 2-3 logins lose quotes order, every few days lose all charts. Happening for months, cannot see a correlation with iPhone activity/other apps etc.

MT4 6S, latest iOS updates always applied.

Thanks for posting - hoping for a resolution. 
Deleted a lot of unused apps, and no longer have the issue. Apps included FaceTime, Maps, RyanAir - about 20 in total, so cannot pinpoint which one.
lost all my S & R lines. I did them again over the weekend on waking this morning they were all gone again setting my chart to default. Iphone 6+

Any more solution guys ?  


My solution below 

Deleted some unauthorized apps I downloaded ( not jailboken). How I came to know:
I draw my S & R again and watched some movies on getting back to my mt4 it reset to default. 

Guys delete what is not cool or new apps especially unauthorized 
Frustratingly not, from the chat it seems it is a iphone problem and not MT4 causing the reset, but have not managed to resolve the problem with Apple. Please leg me know if you manage to resolve the issue
I have found away of stopping this happening on my iPhone 6. What I do before I come out of MT4 is go on the page with all the currency pairs displayed and then hit the home button to come off MT4. When I go back on it, the currency pairs are all there and I just carry on from there. It seems as long as you do this you don’t lose them. Hope this helps.