Extending MqlTick



I need to extend MqlTick struct to include additional info such as symbol and AccountPlatform.

How can it be done?

Hannan Nussbaum: I need to extend MqlTick struct to include additional info such as symbol and AccountPlatform. How can it be done?

You can't "extend" a structure, especially not one used internally by the built-in functions. You can however define your own "similar" structures for your own functionality.

Fernando Carreiro:

You can't "extend" a structure, especially not one used internally by the built-in functions. You can however define your own "similar" structures for your own functionality.

Yes you can inherit from a structure.

struct CustomTick:MqlTick
   string   symbol;
   int      account;   

However with MqlTick, you will not be able to use it in function like SymbolInfoTick().

  1. Hannan Nussbaum: How can it be done?

    You just do it. Structs can only extend structs and classes only classes.

  2. Alain Verleyen: However you will not be able to use it in function like SymbolInfoTick().
    Sure you can, just like you can pass a subclass object to a function taking the superclass.

  1. Sure you can, just like you can pass a subclass object to a function taking the superclass.

Right it works for SymbolInfoTick().

But it doesn't with MqlRates and CopyRates() (compiles but gives runtime error 4029: Invalid Array). So I would suggest anyone to check before relying on such solution for internal mql structure.


I am using this code to save and load tick to file memory. It expects MqlTick and throws parameter conversion error with the custom struct. Any solution?

#property copyright "Copyright 2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property strict
#include <MemMapLib.mqh>
#include <TypeToBytes.mqh>

template <typename T>

  CMemMapFile* FileMemory;

  EXCHANGE_DATA( const int Amount, const bool ModeCreate = false, string FileName = "Local\\test" )
//    FileName += _Symbol;
    this.FileMemory = new CMemMapFile;
    if (this.FileMemory.Open(FileName, sizeof(T) * Amount + sizeof(int) + HEAD_MEM, ModeCreate ? modeCreate : modeOpen) != 0)
      Alert("FileMemory.Open - ERROR!");
      delete &this;
  ~EXCHANGE_DATA( void )
    delete this.FileMemory;

  void DataSave( const T &Data[], const bool FromBegin = true  ) const
    const int Size = ::ArraySize(Data) * sizeof(T);
    uchar Bytes[];
    _ArrayCopy(Bytes, _R(Size).Bytes);              // Записали количество  
    _ArrayCopy(Bytes, _R(Data).Bytes, sizeof(int)); // Записали данные
        if (FromBegin)
          this.FileMemory.Seek(0, SEEK_SET);
        this.FileMemory.Write(Bytes, ::ArraySize(Bytes)); // Сбросили все в память
  int DataLoad( T &Data[], const bool FromBegin = true ) const
        if (FromBegin)
          this.FileMemory.Seek(0, SEEK_SET);
        uchar Bytes[];
        this.FileMemory.Read(Bytes, sizeof(int));  // Прочли из памяти количество данных        
        this.FileMemory.Read(Bytes, _R(Bytes)[0]); // Получили сами данные
        _ArrayCopy(Data, Bytes);              // Сбросили данные в массив

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Alain Verleyen:

Yes you can inherit from a structure.

However with MqlTick, you will not be able to use it in function like SymbolInfoTick().

Thanks! Did not know that!
  1. You just do it. Structs can only extend structs and classes only classes.

  2. Sure you can, just like you can pass a subclass object to a function taking the superclass.
Thanks! Did not know that!

static CustomTick Ticks[1];

ExchangeTicks.DataSave(Ticks, true);

Error: 'Ticks' - parameter conversion not allowed

What can be done to solve this? When using the standard MqlTick is works fine.

(DataSave method see above code in class EXCHANGE_DATA)

You can derive from a structure just fine. You can't use an array of the derived in place of an array of the base. You'll have to copy each element yourself.