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Personally, I chose not to enable "Friends Only" messaging, but you can also click on the "X" on the main messages list and archive the entire message thread.
That way, you don't see it anymore on the "Main" window but you can still access it if you want by going the the "Archive" section.
Personally, I chose not to enable "Friends Only" messaging, but you can also click on the "X" on the main messages list and archive the entire message thread.
That way, you don't see it anymore on the "Main" window but you can still access it if you want by going the the "Archive" section.
I could not found the right settings bij now I do...thank you
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
Marek, 2014.04.16 18:33
is there possibility to change MA number or type ?
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
Rudinei Felipetto, 2014.04.16 23:09
Yes, changing the input params.
Do you need something different?
I will update the source soon to fix a bug, if I can put something more I will for sure.
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
Michael Ogbonnaya, 2014.04.17 01:33
Hi Odir, your indicator looks very promising. Please tell me, is there a way to add sound alerts to this indicator? I will like to know when MAs cross and decide to to open a position or not. Thanks for the awesome indicator.Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
Rudinei Felipetto, 2014.04.17 13:54
Type = SMA | EMA | ...?
Number is the MA period?
This script work for metatrader 4 (the rest needs much more time):
input string Export_FileName = "NeuroSolutions\\data.csv"; // File for exporting (in the folder "MQL5\Files")
input int Export_Bars = 260; // Number of lines to be exported
void OnStart()
// Create the file
int file = FileOpen(Export_FileName, FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV|FILE_ANSI, ',');
if (file != INVALID_HANDLE)
// Write the heading of data
string row="";
for (int i=0; i<=5; i++)
if (StringLen(row)) row += ",";
row += "Open"+i+",High"+i+",Low"+i+",Close"+i;
FileWrite(file, row);
// Copy all required information from the history
MqlRates rates[], rate;
int count = Export_Bars + 5;
if (CopyRates(Symbol(), Period(), 1, count, rates) < count)
Print("Error! Not enough history for exporting of data.");
ArraySetAsSeries(rates, true);
// Write data
for (int bar=0; bar<Export_Bars; bar++)
double zlevel=0;
for (i=0; i<=5; i++)
if (StringLen(row)) row += ",";
rate = rates;
if (i==0) zlevel = rate.open; // level for counting of prices
row += NormalizeDouble(rate.open -zlevel, Digits()) + ","
+ NormalizeDouble(rate.high -zlevel, Digits()) + ","
+ NormalizeDouble(rate.low -zlevel, Digits()) + ","
+ NormalizeDouble(rate.close-zlevel, Digits());
FileWrite(file, row);
Print("Export of data finished successfully.");
else Print("Error! Failed to create the file for data export. ", GetLastError());
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