MT5 iSAR bar shift?



I am working on an EA that uses information from the parabolic sar.

On the MT4 I can reference a previous bar of psar information using the following code:

double   psar_step      =  0.02; //Parabolic step
double   psar_maximum   =  0.2;  //Parabolic maximum
int      psar_barshift  = 2; //bar shift

double   temp_psar   =  iSAR(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,psar_step,psar_maximum,psar_barsift); 

HOWEVER.... I have been trying to do something similar on MT5, and I am completely lost and I do not understand how it works.

The documentation for iSar on MT5 provides the following:

int  iSAR(
   string           symbol,      // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  period,      // period
   double           step,        // price increment step - acceleration factor
   double           maximum      // maximum value of step

As you can see, it doesn't support bar shift.

My question is simple, how do I use iSAR to reference a previous candle on the MT5 platform?

Thank you for your time and assistance,

- David

Of course it doesn't have shift. Perhaps you should read the manual, especially the example. Technical Indicators / iSAR - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
iSar (like iCustom) returns a handle. You use the handle, shift and count to get the data. Timeseries and Indicators Access / CopyBuffer - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
See my example for encapsulating calls Detailed explanation of iCustom - MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 programming forum

I'm sorry if I appeared to be unwilling to read the documentation, but I am having problems fully understanding it due to my physical brain damage.

I had a stroke recently due to a blood clot in my brain which has left me with a permanent disability that I will never fully recover from.

It is very hard for me to ask for help from people, because I do not wish to be a burden on others.

I learned MQL4 before my stroke, so I have most of that knowledge still,

but it is very hard for me to learn new things sometimes, and MQL5 is so vastly different from MQL4 I am struggling with it.

I appreciate the links that you provided me.

I will read over them, and keep trying.

Thank for your assistance,

- David

Of course it doesn't have shift. Perhaps you should read the manual, especially the example. Technical Indicators / iSAR - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
iSar (like iCustom) returns a handle. You use the handle, shift and count to get the data. Timeseries and Indicators Access / CopyBuffer - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
See my example for encapsulating calls Detailed explanation of iCustom - MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 programming forum

I have built this code which I thought should be returning the psar of the bar 2,

but for some reason I cannot understand, it is simply returning the HIGH of the bar and not the psar value as intended.

   int handle = iCustom(Symbol(),30,"Examples\\ParabolicSAR",0.02,0.2);
   double temp_buffer[];
   int copy=CopyBuffer(handle,1,2,1,temp_buffer);
   Print("psar = ",(double)temp_buffer[0]," copy = ",copy);

Here is a screenshot to show bar 2 data.

And here is the screenshot of the psar data.

And here is the output from the terminal experts window.

I do not understand why it is returning the HIGH value and not the PSAR value.

Suggestions to resolve this?

Thank you for your assistance,

- David


Here is what the entire EA looks like.

As you can see, I am just trying to print out the psar value.

#property copyright "psar_testing"
#property link      "psar_testing"
#property version   "1.00"

int OnInit(){return(INIT_SUCCEEDED);}

void OnDeinit(const int reason){}

void OnTick(){
   int handle = iCustom(_Symbol,30,"Examples\\ParabolicSAR");
   double temp_buffer[];
   int copy=CopyBuffer(handle,1,2,1,temp_buffer);
   Print("psar = ",(double)temp_buffer[0]," copy = ",copy);

Thank you for your assistance,

- David


I figured it out finally.

I had this, which returns the high value.

int copy=CopyBuffer(handle,1,2,1,temp_buffer);

I changed it to this and it returns the psar value

int copy=CopyBuffer(handle,0,2,1,temp_buffer);

I believe this is due to the individual index[0] buffer of the psar indicator that was called. Is this correct?

Thank you for your assistance

- David

MrDavidForex: I believe this is due to the individual index[0] buffer of the psar indicator that was called. Is this correct?
Yes and you would have known that if you had followed my suggestion about encapsulating the call.

Yes and you would have known that if you had followed my suggestion about encapsulating the call.

On a personal level, please understand that I have brain damage from a blood clot that caused a stroke, it is very hard for me to comprehend a lot of this information, but I am doing the best I can.

Clearly I read the information, or I wouldn't have figured out how to do it.

Again, thank you for the information