Reading from TXT file issue


Hello guys,

I am trying to read data from a txt file but for some reason it doesn't work. I wanted to share the code with you in case you may have a solution. Thanks a lot in advance.

So the file is a TXT file having only 2 integer values of 1 and 10 separated by XX. So the file content is like this: 1XX10

Now here is the code:

string         file_name="File.txt";
int            handle=FileOpen(file_name,FILE_TXT|FILE_READ|FILE_ANSI,"XX");
               int    A=FileReadInteger(handle);
               int    B=FileReadInteger(handle);
Perhaps you should read the manual.
  1. int            handle=FileOpen(file_name,FILE_TXT|FILE_READ|FILE_ANSI,"XX");
    FILE_TXT a simple text file (the same as csv, but the delimiter is not taken into account) File Functions / FileOpen - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

  2. int  FileOpen(
       string  file_name,           // File name
       int     open_flags,          // Combination of flags
       short   delimiter='\t',      // Delimiter
       uint    codepage=CP_ACP      // Code page
    The third argument is a single character, you can't use a string and you can't use multiple characters with CSV.

  3.                if(handle>0)
    Check your return codes for errors and report them. What are Function return values ? How do I use them ? - MQL4 forum
    Common Errors in MQL4 Programs and How to Avoid Them - MQL4 Articles

  4. Read the entire line and use StringSplit and StringToInteger or change the file format.

Perhaps you should read the manual.
  1. FILE_TXT a simple text file (the same as csv, but the delimiter is not taken into account) File Functions / FileOpen - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

  2. The third argument is a single character, you can't use a string and you can't use multiple characters with CSV.

  3. Check your return codes for errors and report them. What are Function return values ? How do I use them ? - MQL4 forum
    Common Errors in MQL4 Programs and How to Avoid Them - MQL4 Articles

  4. Read the entire line and use StringSplit and StringToInteger or change the file forma

Thanks a lot for your reply. I was wondering if I could create TXT or CSV files where values within the line are separated by a specific character (tab here). Something like this:


10   Hello   1000  2

10   Hello   350    3

and then read the values one by one. Meaning I read the first value and move the pointer to the next and i read that and so on and so forth. Is that doable?

Sorry if my questions seem so silly to you. I read the manual few times but since I am new to programming I still get easily confused. Thanks in advance!



could I ask you for a favor?

All I want to do is to read a file of data (which I can have in either txt or csv format) and store them in arrays. I have string, datetime, and double values in it. Could you point me to the right direction? Like a good tutorial on it? Because the reference doesn't do it for me :(


I needed to read values from a txt file with a series of string,number...  string, number...  etc...   by processing the Pair (string) and it's "code" (number).  When the file was being written to, I used FileWriteString(file_handle,"\n"); to create a linefeed (Enter) between each value.  Are arrays needed?  Since each 2-lines are processed one at a time, maybe not, but I haven't finished the project, so not sure if they'll be needed (in other words, I'm a hack).

      string InpFileName="Action File.txt";

      file_handle=FileOpen(InpFileName,FILE_READ|FILE_CSV);    //CSV has highest priority flag anyway and it works 

      int    str_size; 

      int a1,b1;


      while(!FileIsEnding(file_handle))  // this reads each two lines of values, one at a time ie "USDJPY" (Enter) "3" ... process that, then read in next two lines







            if(a1==1) z1=str[b1][a1];




               d1(z1,b2);            //call to d1 sends a string, number to be further processed

               Sleep(10000);       // 10 sec timer





Perhaps you should read the manual.
  1. FILE_TXT a simple text file (the same as csv, but the delimiter is not taken into account) File Functions / FileOpen - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

  2. The third argument is a single character, you can't use a string and you can't use multiple characters with CSV.

  3. Check your return codes for errors and report them. What are Function return values ? How do I use them ? - MQL4 forum
    Common Errors in MQL4 Programs and How to Avoid Them - MQL4 Articles

  4. Read the entire line and use StringSplit and StringToInteger or change the file format.

THANKS man.. This totally solved my issue.